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Alltricity Network Report
From the Desk of Executive Director Richard Putnicki I hope that you all have had a wonderful start to the new year! I’m anxious to see where this year takes us. With the continued rollout of the vaccinations and, as always, the transition to a new administration, we will find new challenges as well as opportunities. After what we all endured in 2020, I am confident we will succeed. Together, once again, we will figure it out! Education Planning, Spring Conference & Fall Convention RMEL’s Education Committees have already completed their January committee calls and they all have some great plans for timely and relevant content coming soon. You’ll see more updates in the coming weeks on complimentary webinars for RMEL members, as well as low cost workshops. All indications are that virtual will remain with us through, at least, the majority of 2021. We’ve already begun planning the Fall Convention program, and will have more details about the Planning Session for the Spring Conference soon! You will receive a short Spring Conference Survey. We understand "content is King”! Your feedback allows our planning team to provide timely and relevant educational programing. And it goes without saying, when the opportunity presents itself to serve our membership with face-to-face programing or events, we will be ready. Mark your calendars and get registered for these upcoming events: Webinar: FERC Order 2222 - Overview & Potential Impacts to T&D Networks The first webinar of 2021 will focus on FERC Order 2222 - Overview & Potential Impacts to T&D Networks, and will be on Thursday, February 4, 2021, 10-11 a.m. MST. This webinar will provide an overview of FERC Order 2222 that requires ISOs/RTOs to allow DER to participate in the wholesale markets they administer. This ruling will impact both distribution and transmission networks and how they are operated traditionally. Clear frameworks should be defined to enable effective coordination between the stakeholders. The webinar will provide an overview of the order and discuss some of the coordination requirements. Webinar: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Asset Management This webinar will take a look at how Western Area Power Administration’s GIS program has been supporting the Asset Management’s mission in the management of data, maps, and other AM applications. WAPA’s GIS program provides support and products to almost all departments within the agency which include, but are not limited to, Natural Resources, Engineering, Public Relations, Maintenance, and Safety and Security. March 3, 10-11:15 a.m. Mountain Standard Time March 10, 10-11:15 a.m. Mountain Standard Time March 17th, 10-11:15 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time Member Programs and Benefits Continuing in 2021 As a reminder, the following new, virtual member benefits will continue in 2021:
Promote the 2021 RMEL Foundation Scholarship Opportunity by Sharing the Application With Industry and Academic Contacts Please help spread the word about RMEL Foundation Scholarship opportunities! The 2021 RMEL Foundation Scholarship Deadline is February 26, 2021. RMEL member companies are the primary avenue by which these scholarships are promoted. The Foundation encourages all RMEL members to share this opportunity throughout your company and your community. Students from all parts of the RMEL service territory are encouraged to apply. Recipients are chosen by the RMEL Foundation selection committee. Access the Application on the RMEL Foundation Scholarship Page and Send us Your University and College Contacts. We appreciate you helping to build the future of the industry! I look forward to having a great year with you all! Here’s to the future! Stay SAFE!
Education and Upcoming Events
Webinar - FERC Order 2222 - Overview & Potential Impacts --- February 4, 2021 Alltricity Network Member Information
RMEL's trusted network is now accessible on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These are forums intended for RMEL members only. Working side-by-side in a cooperative manner, RMEL members band together for the common goal of bettering the industry and improving service for utility customers. For more than 100 years, these key principles have proven successful, and more importantly, are tried and true methods for building strong business relationships.
RMEL Champions is a prestigious group of RMEL supporters with access to useful and beneficial promotional opportunities. Get more details, and become a 2021 RMEL Champion - DEADLINE IS MARCH 5, 2021!
Industry Information
Reaching a majority renewables grid will deploy over $1 trillion in capital investment into the U.S. economy over the next decade, according to a new study released by consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) extended the terms of five long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) export authorizations through 2050.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the "Energy for Space" strategy, an outlook of policy recommendations to further DOE's role in powering the next generation of space exploration.
In 2020, natural gas spot prices at the national benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana averaged $2.05 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), the lowest annual average price in decades.
Member Announcements
After a year of endless disasters, distractions and sub-zero oil prices, it’s time to look back at the people and companies that defined the energy sector in 2020.
More than 2,000 people purchased an electric vehicle in the Austin area this year. For those in the market for one, Austin Energy’s updated EV Buyer’s Guide offers a new way to explore local new and used electric vehicle inventory online.
Arizona Public Service Company (APS) is taking more steps to deliver on its commitment to serve one of the fastest-growing service territories in the country with 100% clean energy by 2050.
Black Hills Corp. announced that the company has completed construction on its $79 million Corriedale Wind Energy Project near Cheyenne, Wyoming, and the project is producing wind energy for customers who subscribed to its Renewable Ready Program.
CPS Energy, the nation’s largest municipally owned electric and natural gas provider based in San Antonio, is announcing a new agreement it has entered with the City of San Antonio, AT&T, and Itron, to implement a pilot for Smart Streetlight Technology.
As EPE embarks on 120 years of service for West Texas and Southern New Mexico, we are looking forward to the future and the opportunity to transform the energy landscape.
Gov. Pete Ricketts joined representatives of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), Monolith Materials, and Norris Public Power District for a joint announcement regarding the facilitation of a significant addition to the renewable energy landscape in the state. The addition will provide significant short- and long-term value to Nebraska.
Omaha Public Power District customers will see no general rate increases for the fifth straight year under its 2021 Corporate Operating Plan (COP). The utility’s board of directors approved the $1.4 billion plan at its monthly meeting.
Southern Company announced Chris Cummiskey, succeeded Mark Lantrip, who is retiring after 40 years of service.
Navajo Generating Station’s (NGS) three iconic 775-foot smokestacks – a Page, AZ landmark for 45 years – were demolished in a single explosive blast on Friday, falling northward like trees being felled.
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association announced contributions of $5 million, as it had previously committed to do through a resolution of the power supplier’s board of directors, to four organizations that will support communities affected by the retirement of Escalante Station in McKinley County, N.M.
New Tucson Electric Power rates that took effect on January 1 will expand bill-payment assistance for low-income customers while supporting the company’s investments in efficient new energy resources that help our community transition to a cleaner, greener energy grid.
White Paper
A partial transition of German road transport to hydrogen energy is among the possibilities being discussed to help meet national climate targets. Researcher have examined the hypothetical transition to a hydrogen-powered transport sector through several scenarios. Their conclusion: A shift towards hydrogen-powered mobility could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and greatly improve air quality - in particular, heavy duty vehicles represent a low-hanging fruit for decarbonization of German road transport.