Fees and Damage Waiver Survey

This month, we asked members about charging fees and damage waivers. If you have additional ideas for surveys for CRA members, please email CRA at Info@CalRental.org.

1. What type of Rentals do you have?
General Tool: 48% (10 responses)
Party: 24% (5 responses)
Both General Tool and Party: 29% (6 responses)

2. Do you charge a credit card fee?
Yes (enter the percentage in the comment field): 5% (1 response)
No: 95% (20 responses)
Additional comment:
1. But we want to some day soon.

3. Do you charge sales tax on rentals?
Yes: 41% (9 responses)
No: 59% (13 responses)
Additional comments:
1. We pay that when we purchase, less complicated.
2. Heavy equipment rental tax 2% replaces personal property tax.

4. Do you charge an environmental fee?
Yes (enter the fee in the comment field): 32% (7 responses)
No: 68% (15 responses)
Additional comments:
1. We add a 2% fuel charge to all deliveries.
2. 1%.
3. 1%.
4. Varies based on equipment.
5. 2%.
6. 3%.
7. Only at our concrete department, 2%.

5. Do you charge a damage waiver?
Yes (enter the percentage in the comment field): 82% (18 responses)
No: 18% (4 responses)
Additional comments:
1. 10% (7 responses).
2. 14% optional.
3. 15%.
4. 8%.
5. 15% “Equipment Protection Plan” not “Damage Waiver”.
6. 14% (3 responses).
7. Only on trucks.
8. 12%.
9. 13%.

6. Survey Ideas
1. Inflation
2. Rate increases after pandemic. How many times and what percentage. Customer feedback on increases.
3. How about a survey on CC processing. Note the top 3-4 processors and poll who is using which one.
