RV Rally Campouts

This month, we asked members about camping and RV Rally Campouts. If you have additional ideas for surveys for CRA members, please email CRA at Info@CalRental.org.

1. What type of Rentals do you have?
Party Rental: 25% (5 responses)
General Tool Rental: 50% (10 responses)
Both General Tool and Party: 25% (5 responses)

2. Do you enjoy camping?
Yes: 81% (17 responses)
No: 19% (4 responses)
Additional comment: I had both general tool and pray rentals but am now retired.

3. What type of camping vehicle do you have?
Travel trailer: 27% (4 responses)
Motor home: 27% (4 responses)
5th wheel: 27% (4 responses)
Tent: 20% (3 responses)

4. How often do you go camping?
Weekends: 0%
Monthly: 20% (3 responses)
Quarterly: 47% (7 responses)
Annually: 33% (5 responses)
Additional comment: 7 or 8 times a year, or when I get a chance.

5. How far do you travel to go camping?
1 hour: 0%
3 hours: 43% (6 responses)
6 hours: 21% (3 responses)
Other (please specify in comments): 36% (5 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Many destinations, sometimes days of travel.
2. 3-6 hours.
3. Unless it’s for CRA, I'll go where they go.
4. Varies, from 3 hours to days.
5. Anywhere.
6. Travel less than an hour to camp to several days to camp.
7. As far as it takes to reach our destination.

6. Would you be interested in becoming the RV Rally Wagon Master?
Yes: 0%
No: 100% (15 responses)
Additional comment: Current obligations make it difficult to be the wagon master. I will be available in 5 years.

7. Survey Ideas
1. Helping find employees that want to work.
