APCO joins communities from across the country in celebrating YOU – the nation’s public safety telecommunicators – during NPSTW 2019. This year on our NPSTW.org website, we’re highlighting your teams and have received more than 120 entries for our contest for a free ($100) lunch. Add your own story, or just read the entries and vote for your favorites by “liking” their posts.
Last week, Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA) introduced a bipartisan resolution, on behalf of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and several other Representatives, declaring the week of April 14-20, 2019, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. The resolution notes that public safety communications professionals “dedicate their lives to helping others” and “are an important part of the first responder community,” and it “encourages the people of the United States to remember the value of the work performed by public safety communications professionals.”
As communities celebrate NPSTW across the country, remember to ask friends and family to contact their U.S. Senators and Representatives to seek their support for the 911 SAVES Act, a bill that would appropriately reclassify public safety telecommunicators with other "Protective" occupations (as opposed to administrative/clerical occupations) in the Standard Occupational Classification. We are very fortunate to have identical bipartisan bills in both the House and Senate! ANYONE can send letters. So in addition to making sure you’ve sent messages to your Senators as well as your Representative, think of 10 or more friends, family and colleagues and share our call to action with them at apcointl.org/take-action.
APCO is seeking public safety communications professionals to participate on these standards development committees:
- Standards Development Main Committee (SDC)
- SDC Operational Subcommittee
- SDC Technical Subcommittee
- SDC Training Subcommittee
If you are interested in joining, please complete the following survey: Standards Development Committee Continuous Recruitment.
If you have any questions about the committees, email apcostandards@apcointl.org or call the Standards Program Manager at (920) 579-1153.
Channel your creative energy and design our APCO 2019 conference T-shirt. There are only a few weeks left to send in your designs. You could earn a complimentary APCO 2019 or APCO 2020 conference registration. Submit your design by April 25.
Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center, South Carolina, has received Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, from APCO International.
Next Generation 9-1-1, FirstNet and Connected Vehicles: Why They Are Important to Transportation Public Safety Tuesday, May 14 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET This webinar provides an overview of Next Generation 9-1-1, the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (FirstNet), and connected vehicles, and explores why these emerging technologies are important to public safety responders on roadway incidents and the public who live, work and travel in the United States. It looks at the history of and vision for NG9-1-1, FirstNet and connected vehicles and presents an overall picture of where these technologies are today and what the near future holds. Register
The Lewis County Herald
Officials in a Kentucky county explained why emergency services depend on the 24-hour, 365 days a year that public safety telecommunicators devote to the job.
Murfreesboro Voice
The four-year veteran was selected for his calm efficiency dealing with trainees and officers in the field.
The city said that he ensures that future dispatchers are well-trained and ready for the job, and that first responders know that their safety is number one when they hear his voice.
As masters of multitasking, telecommunicators receive emergency calls, prioritize them, provide lifesaving medical instructions and dispatch appropriate emergency personnel.