PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, November 30, 2018
APCO is seeking volunteers who want to participate in the creation and revision of standards and who have backgrounds in training, operations and technical. You do not need to be an expert in the subjects listed or have experience writing standards. The only thing we ask is your time – the writing groups generally meet twice a month for a 60-minute conference call and conduct some work offline.

Applicants are needed for the following writing groups:
  • Best Practices for the Use of Social Media in Public Safety Communications (Revision)
    The focus of this publication is to provide agencies with information regarding how social media can be used as an asset in emergency situations and also provide guidance for the use of social media by personnel.
  • Core Competencies and Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Communications Technicians
    This standard identifies the core competencies and minimum training requirements for Public Safety Communications Technicians or Specialists, including: GIS (Geographic Information Systems), radio and CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch).
Learn more | Sign up
Deadline to sign up is January 2, 2019.
Submit a proposal to become a speaker at APCO's Annual Conference & Expo, APCO 2019, taking place August 11-14 in Baltimore, MD. We are looking for thought-provoking, relevant, innovative presentation proposals related to the latest in technology, programs, policies and other issues that impact the public safety industry. Learn more
APCO's scholarship program offers financial assistance with professional development and career advancement costs. The scholarship application period begins January 1 of each year and runs through March 31 for general scholarships; applications for CPE scholarships are due February 15.
Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Training Connection, which shares updates about upcoming classes and webinars, important deadlines and reminders, CEU information and other professional development opportunities.

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Naylor Association Solutions
Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure
Industry News
APCO is seeking comments on a new standard which addresses site hardening requirements for public safety grade sites. Public review is open until January 7, 2019.

The following agencies have met the minimum training standards for APCO's Agency Training Program Certification, a Project 33® Initiative, and have been awarded certification:
Fauquier Joint Communications Center
Chandler Police Department
Durham Emergency Communications Center

IBM Industries "Every second we save in assessing the situation, and every second we save processing the call efficiently and getting accurate information out to the responders equates to how quickly the response occurs," said Jay English, APCO International. That’s where IBM comes in, partnering to provide the APCO IntelliCommTM solution supported by Watson Analytics. IntelliComm works to ensure telecommunicators receive the most appropriate information in order to give rapid, consistent, and customized instructions.
Idaho Press Post-traumatic stress disorder affects not only first responders such as police and firefighters, but also telecommunicators. Nampa Police telecommunicator Becky Justus details a traumatic call she received on the job, that led to PTSD symptoms.
Digital News Daily Tech companies, consumer advocacy groups, state attorneys and city officials band together in an appeal against the recent net neutrality repeal due to its public safety risks.
News Tribune After an internal review of Missouri’s Department of Public Safety reported issues with spending of taxpayer dollars, State Auditor Galloway plans to do an independent audit of the administrative practices of the department.
WIBC Six months after the Noblesville school shooting in Indianapolis, Indiana, Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt explains how police and telecommunicator training paid off and how they will continue to improve their preparedness strategy for active-shooter situations.
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