PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, March 11, 2016

Working groups are forming under Project 43, Broadband Implications for the PSAP, in the areas of cybersecurity, governance, operations, staffing, technical and training. Please consider volunteering for the working group that best aligns with your background, skills and interests. The deadline to apply is March 21. To learn more, or to begin the application process.

Volunteering for APCO 2016 is a great way to give back, be involved and meet other individuals in the public safety sector. Not to mention it's a cost effective way for you to attend conference. Join us and experience APCO 2016 from behind the scenes. For more information.

AFC, APCO International’s Spectrum Management Division, will be presenting at IWCE's College of Technology in Las Vegas.

Spectrum, Licensing and Frequency Coordination
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 | 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Room N253
During this workshop you will learn how the FCC licensing system works; how to license your system correctly; the hazards of not maintaining an FCC license; and what your options may be should you fail. We will also review what tools and principles are used, and what other technical considerations need to be applied to be successful at RF engineering. In addition, you will receive step-by-step instructions for filling out the FCC Form 601.

Be sure to visit us at the APCO International booth #1753.

Naylor Association Solutions
Zetron, Inc.
Industry News
IWCE’s Urgent Communications An entire section of FirstNet’s request for proposal (RFP) that addresses the manufacturing location of equipment for the system was changed—an action related to one of 64 answers to RFP questions that include clarifications about network performance, rural-coverage partnerships and post-RFP negotiations with bidders.
Fox 12 Oregon An Estacada, Ore., boy and a 9-1-1 dispatcher are being honored for their efforts to save the little boy’s father. Seven-year-old Devin Duke and Clackamas County dispatcher Lori Gillingham received 9-1-1 Hero medals at the 2016 APCO Western Regional Conference.
Rome News-Tribune Floyd County 911 was named the 2016 Georgia 9-1-1 Center of the Year during the awards banquet at the annual Georgia Emergency Communications Conference. The conference and the award are a joint venture of the Georgia chapters of APCO and NENA.
B-Town Blog The event, held by the King County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center, will educate citizens about the role 9-1-1 communications specialists play in the public safety system and prepare them should they ever need to dial 9-1-1.
Solacom Technologies
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