PSC eNews Weekly
Friday, October 23, 2015
FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel returns to APCO to offer her perspectives on how to advance public safety communications. During an interview-style session, Commissioner Rosenworcel will discuss how technologies and federal polices can help provide public safety officials the tools they need to perform their important roles. View the program.
APCO welcomes high quality proposals in all areas of public safety communications. We encourage submissions from an interdisciplinary spectrum in the following topical areas:
  • Frontline Telecommunicator
  • Leadership Development
  • Communication Center Management
  • Emergency Preparedness, Response & Situational Awareness
  • Radio Technologies, LMR & Spectrum Management
  • Cutting Edge Issues & Hot Topics
  • NG9-1-1 & Emerging Technologies
  • Social Media in the PSAP
  • Industry Products & Tools

Submit your proposal.

All submissions are due by December 31, 2015.
Industry News
National Journal Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Mitch Mc­Con­nell moved to open de­bate on the Cy­ber­se­cur­ity In­form­a­tion Shar­ing Act, or CISA, which would en­cour­age private com­pan­ies to share in­form­a­tion about cy­ber ­threats with each oth­er and with the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.
WMBF Public safety officials in South Carolina were honored at the 19th Annual Public Safety Appreciation Luncheon. FirstNet is encouraging satellite companies to step up and play a role in building the nationwide public safety network.
Bay News 9 A 9-1-1 operator is being credited for helping a father deliver his newborn daughter.
Leader-Telegram Eau Claire (Wisconsin) officials say accidental 9-1-1 calls are becoming a problem. FirstNet wants iPhones to support the network's Band 14 spectrum, but implementing the technology may be difficult.
From the Inside Pages
Flashback Friday
Below is a letter (click on it to read) from APCO President Martin W. Joyce from the June 1941 issue of the APCO Bulletin where he explains that he must resign because he has been assigned to active duty to the Signal Section of the Air Corps, Honolulu. A quick search online revealed Joyce's extensive service, including his involvement in the liberation of the Dachau Concentration Camp in late April 1945. More information about his life can be found here.


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