Hand Drying with Paper Towels Could Limit Spread of Gastroenteritis, Flu

Cascades Tissue Group, Montreal, Que., Canada, referencing a recent study by the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., USA, is emphasizing the major role that inadequate hand drying plays in the spread of germs and bacteria. Cascades notes that in the beginning of 2013 gastroenteritis and the flu have hit hard. "We know," the company says, "that hand washing is crucial to limit their spread, especially in pubic places."

According to Cascades Tissue, the Mayo Clinic study uses research to support its claim that "paper towels can dry hands efficiently, remove bacteria effectively, and cause less contamination of the washroom environment" and that "paper towels reduced the numbers of all types of bacteria on the hands. However, the hot air dryer increased all types of bacteria on the hands."

Suzanne Blanchet, president and CEO of Cascades Tissue Group, points out that "usually, instructions on proper hygiene focus on hand washing, without informing people of the risks associated with inadequate drying. Even though Cascades produces paper towels, we want to add our voice to that of other groups so people adopt behaviors that are more effective in controlling the spread of infectious diseases. As well, we're addressing an issue we know something about, which is drying the hands with paper."

Since bacteria are more likely to be transmitted from wet skin than dry skin, proper drying after washing should be an integral part of the hand hygiene process, Cascades Tissue insists. "While the public is concerned about the risk of contamination, particularly now with the number of cases of gastroenteritis and the flu, this information about hand drying can lead us to question our habits. We think it's important to give the facts to as many people as possible and contribute in our own way to controlling the spread of germs," Blanchet says.

The full Mayo Clinic study is available online.

Cascades Tissue Group is the fourth largest producer of tissue paper in North America. Founded in 1964, Cascades produces, converts, and markets packaging and tissue products that are composed mainly of recycled fiber. The company employs more than 12,000 employees, who work in more than 100 units located in North America and Europe.
