China’s Tissue Industry Booming

China is now the world's second largest tissue paper producer and consumer, after the U.S., with consumption accounting for some 15% of the world's total, according to a RISI, Brussels, Belgium, report that ran recently in Pulp & Paper International magazine. By comparison, the report by Annie Zhu, associate editor, noted that in 1990 China produced only 679,000 metric tons of tissue, but 20 years later in 2010, its output had risen to 5.248 million metric tpy, and is expected to be 8% to 10% more that that in 2011 when final numbers are released.

Tissue consumption in China during 2010 was 4.663 million metric tons, according to figures maintained by the China National Household Industry Association (CNHPIA). Domestic consumption during 2011 is expected to be 10% higher in 2011.

Citing RISI’s Outlook for World Tissue Business Forecast published in March 2011, the report pointed out that per capita consumption of tissue in China was still at a relatively low level of about 3.3 kg/yr in 2010, indicating substantial further growth potential. However, regional differences are large, with the 10-kg/yr per capita level having been reached or even surpassed in Shanghai and Beijing, the RISI report added.

The full report, titled China’s Booming Tissue Industry, is available online.