K-C Launches New Feminine Care Product

Kimberly-Clark Corp., Dallas, Texas, USA, has launched U by Kotex, a feminine care product with new packaging and design, and which, the company says, "empowers women to change the conversation surrounding women's health." K-C notes that the new U by Kotex line includes tampons, pads, and liners available in brightly colored designs, and "serves as the Kotex brand's first step in redefining the category by encouraging women to change the conversation surrounding feminine care from one of shame and embarrassment to one of open, honest dialog."

Andrew Meurer, VP, North American Group Brands Feminine/Adult/Senior Care, points out that "for the past 50 years, advertisers—Kotex included—have been perpetuating this cultural stigma by emphasizing that the best menstrual period is one that is ignored. The way the Kotex brand will be positioned in the future will be very different. We are changing our brand equity to stand for truth, transparency, and progressive vagina care.

Moving forward, the tone of the Kotex brand's marketing will adhere to its new tagline - Break the Cycle." According to "Break the Cycle: A Study on Vaginal Health," a study conducted online in August 2009 by Harris Interactive, among more than 1,600 North American women aged 14 - 35, 7 in 10 believe it's time for society to change how it talks about vaginal health, yet less than half (45%) feel empowered to make a difference. Based on that research, the company says that U by Kotex aims to help women understand and be comfortable with their femininity and bodies.

The U by Kotex Click tampons start compact, but expand to full-size with just one click. The click lets women know the tampon is ready to use. The pads feature a unique dual cover that includes a soft film center and cottony soft non-woven side barriers/wings. The soft film center pulls the fluid away from the body while the non-woven side barriers provide a breathability that helps keep women cool and comfortable. In consumer testing, the product line performed well compared with other competing brands' products, according to K-C.
