Metsä Tissue Prepared for Impact of Finnish Stevedores' Strike

Metsä Tissue, Finland, advised this past week that the current dock worker strike in Finland will not significantly impact shipments of its tissue products. In a prepared statement, the company said it anticipates that "the stevedores' strike will not have a major impact on our production or customer deliveries, but a certain degree of disruption is possible and highly regrettable. The extent of the consequences will depend on the length of the strike." Metsä Tissue adds that it has "forearmed itself carefully for the eventuality of a strike." Since November, the company has been shipping export goods to warehouses outside of Finland and an extra reserve of raw materials is in storage at the company's Finnish mill "to improve our capabilities to continue production. Potential back-up production capacity has been identified and can be activated." The company says it will continue to closely monitor the situation.