Running of Outhouses Draws Stiff Competition in Michigan

Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, reports that its Charmin toilet paper participated in the recent Seventeenth Annual Trenary, Mich., Outhouse Classic, where thousands of attendees came to watch and cheer for the country's, and possibly the world's, "fastest outdoor bathroom." As a sponsor, Charmin worked with the Outhouse Classic Committee to construct an original outhouse that had the capability to glide on skis and be pushed by two "handlers" in the snow to the finish line. All race participants went one-at-a-time in hopes of driving his/her homemade bathroom masterpiece to victory and be deemed the "King/Queen of the Throne."

This was the first time that Charmin participated in an event where outdoor bathrooms are celebrated, according to Jacques Hagopian, brand manager for Charmin. "Everyone has to go to the bathroom, and at Charmin we are committed to making it the best possible experience. The Trenary Outhouse Classic helps us convey that message in a fun and playful way to let consumers know that they can 'enjoy the go' with Charmin, whether it's in their home or outdoors racing an outhouse."

Dianne Peterson of the Outhouse Classic Committee said that "we were extremely excited for Charmin to compete in our annual outhouse race. This is the first time we had a major sponsor actually partake in the race, which created a festive atmosphere for the local residents in/around Trenary. Peterson noted that all sponsorship fees paid by Charmin will go towards the investment of playground equipment for the local Trenary parks. More information about the Trenary Outhouse Classic, is available online.

Specific results of the Seventeenth Annual Outhouse Classic were not readily available.