Check here the list of TAPPI Standards to be published within the next few days:
T 203 cm-22 Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-, cellulose in pulp (Reaffirmed)
T 211 om-22 Ash in wood, pulp, paper, and paperboard: combustion at 525 degrees C (Reaffirmed)
T 221 cm-22 Drainage time of pulp (Reaffirmed)
T 231 cm-22 Zero-span breaking strength of pulp (dry zero-span tensile) (Reaffirmed)
T 235 cm-22 Alkali solubility of pulp at 25°C (Reaffirmed)
T 237 cm-22 Carboxyl content of pulp (Reaffirmed)
T 252 om-22 pH and electrical conductivity of hot water extracts of pulp, paper, and paperboard (Reaffirmed)
T 261 cm-22 Fines fraction by weight of paper stock by wet screening (Reaffirmed)
T 264 cm-22 Preparation of wood for chemical analysis (Reaffirmed)
T 268 om-22 Weight-volume measurement of pulpwood (Reaffirmed)
T 400 sp-22 Sampling and accepting a single lot of paper, paperboard, containerboard, or related product (Revised)
T 408 cm-22 Rosin in paper and paperboard (Reaffirmed)
T 412 om-22 Moisture in pulp, paper, and paperboard (Revised)
T 430 cm-22 Copper number of pulp, paper, and paperboard (Reaffirmed)
T 435 om-22 Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (hot extraction method) (Reaffirmed)
T 456 om-22 Tensile breaking strength of water-saturated paper and paperboard (“wet tensile strength”)(Revised)
T 461 cm-22 Flame resistance of treated paper and paperboard (Reaffirmed)
T 489 om-22 Bending resistance (stiffness) of paper and paperboard (Taber-type tester in basic configuration (Revised)
T 494 om-22 Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) (Revised)
T 507 cm-22 Grease resistance of flexible packaging materials (Reaffirmed)
T 509 om-22 Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (cold extraction method) (Reaffirmed)
T 520 cm-22 Curl of gummed flat paper (Reaffirmed)
T 538 om-22 Roughness of paper and paperboard (Sheffield method) (Revised)
T 543 om-22 Bending resistance of paper (Gurley-type tester) (Revised)
T 546 om-22 Machine-direction grammage variation measurement (gravimetric method) (Reaffirmed)
T 550 om-22 Determination of equilibrium moisture in pulp, paper, and paperboard for chemical analysis (Reaffirmed)
T 555 om-22 Roughness of paper and paperboard (print-surf method) (Revision)
T 569 om-22 Internal bond strength (Scott type) (Revision)
T 610 sp-22 Preparation of indicators and standard solutions (Reaffirmed)
T 646 om-22 Brightness of clay and other mineral pigments (45/0) (Revised)
T 648 om-22 Viscosity of coating clay slurry (Revision)
T 684 om-22 Gross heating value of black liqour (Reaffirmation)
T 702 om-22 Rheological measurements for characterization of polyolefins: low-density polyethylene (LDPE) for extrusion coating (Revision)
T 820 cm-22 Flexural stiffness of corrugated board (Withdrawn)
T 835 om-22 Water absorption of corrugating medium: water drop absorption test (Revision)
T 1009 om-22 Tensile Strength and elongation at break for fiber glass mats (Reaffirmation)
T 1016 om-22 Average fiber diameter of fiber glass mats (Reaffirmed)
Special thanks to the SSIG members below for being the Working Group Chairs (WGC) in the recently published reviews of TAPPI Standards:
Zhihua Jiang - WGC for T 203 Bogdan Marian Tofanica - WGC for T 221 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 231 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 235 Bogdan Marian Tofanica - WGC for T 237 Walter Rantanen - WGC for T 261 Walter Rantanen - WGC for T 264 Nancy Ross Sutherland - WGC for T 268 Tom Staal - WGC for T 400 Todd Bolton - WGC for T 412 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 430 Jeff Lundeen - WGC for T 435 Todd Bolton - WGC for T 456 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 461 Alan Jaenecke - WGC for T 489 Donald Guay- WGC for T 494 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 507 Jeff Lundeen - WGC for T 509 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 520 Holly Martin - WGC for T 538 Todd Popson - WGC for T 543 Dennis Crawshaw - WGC for T 550 Todd Popson - WGC for T 555 Todd Bolton - WGC for T 569 Tony Lyons - WGC for T 646 Nick Triantafillopoulos - WGC for T 648 Sylvie Vervoort - WGC for T 702 Richard Lund - WGC for T 820 Thomas (Tom) Staal - WGC for T 835
The TAPPI Standards Department would also like to express its gratitude to all volunteers who participated in the review of those Standards as SSIG members.
The following TAPPI Standards have been approved as American National Standards by the ANSI Board of Standards Review:
New American National Standards
ANSI/TAPPI T 211 om-22: Ash in wood, pulp, paper and paperboard: Combustion at 525C (new standard) ANSI/TAPPI T 252 om-22: pH and electrical conductivity of hot water extracts of pulp, paper, and paperboard
ANSI/TAPPI T 400 sp-22: Sampling and accepting a single lot of paper, paperboard, containerboard, or related product
ANSI/TAPPI T 412 om-22: Moisture in pulp, paper and paperboard ANSI/TAPPI T 435 om-22: Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (hot extraction method) ANSI/TAPPI T 509 om-22: Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of paper extracts (cold extraction method) ANSI/TAPPI T 538 om-22: Roughness of paper and paperboard (Sheffield method) ANSI/TAPPI T 543 om-22: Bending resistance of paper (Gurley-type tester) ANSI/TAPPI T 610 sp-22: Preparation of indicators and standard solutions ANSI/TAPPI T 684 om-22: Gross heating value of black liquor ANSI/TAPPI T 1009 om-22: Tensile strength and elongation at break for fiber glass mats
Approved reaffirmation of current American National Standards
ANSI/TAPPI T 268 om-22: Weight-volume measurement of pulpwood ANSI/TAPPI T 546 om-22: Machine-direction grammage variation measurement (gravimetric method)
ANSI/TAPPI T 550 om-22: Determination of equilibrium moisture in pulp, paper and paperboard for chemical analysis ANSI/TAPPI T 1016 om-22: Average fiber diameter of fiber glass mats
Approved revision of current American National Standards
ANSI/TAPPI T 456 om-22: Tensile breaking strength of water-saturated paper and paperboard (wet tensile)
ANSI/TAPPI T 489 om-22: Bending resistance (stiffness) of paper and paperboard (Taber-type tester in basic configuration) ANSI/TAPPI T 494 om-22: Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) ANSI/TAPPI T 555 om-22: Roughness of paper and paperboard (Print-surf method)
ANSI/TAPPI T 569 om-22: Internal bond strength (Scott type) ANSI/TAPPI T 648 om-22: Viscosity of coating clay slurry ANSI/TAPPI T 702 om-22: Rheological measurements for characterization of polyolefins: Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) for extrusion coating ANSI/TAPPI T 835 om-22: Water absorption of corrugating medium: Water drop absorption test
Notices of the approvals of the TAPPI Standards as American National Standards were placed in the June 24, 2022 edition of ANSI Standards Action.
Check here the list of TAPPI Technical Information Papers (TIPs) to be published within the next few days:
TIP 0304-08 Some questions and answers on gel temperatures and on the gel temperature test for corrugating adhesives TIP 0304-56 Total indicated runout and its impact on combined board quality TIP 0305-42 Folding Section TIP 0404-52 Press section optimization TIP 0404-61 Paper machine shower TIP 0416-28 Sootblower Safety and Upgrade Guidelines
Special note: Documents appearing in the TAPPI online version of the Standards and TIPs are updated once a month (usually around the 30th). So it is possible that there is a delay between the publication announcement and the posting online. If you are a subscriber to the online access to Standards and TIPs and you are in a hurry for new documents that have not yet been posted, you can send a request for TIPs to or for Standards to
Listed below are TAPPI Standards that have recently gone out for ballot to the corresponding Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG). The date in parentheses is the closing date for voting.
T 815 om-18 Coefficient of static friction (slide angle) of packaging and packaging materials (including shipping sack papers, corrugated and solid fiberboard) (inclined plane method) (July 16, 2022)
T 830 om-18 Ink rub test of containerboard and corrugated board (July 16, 2022)
T 839 om-18 Edgewise compressive strength of corrugated fiberboard using the clamp method (short column test) (July 16, 2022)
T 281 sp-18 Open drum washer mat sampling technique (July 23, 2022)
T 434 cm-10 Acid-soluble iron in paper (July 23, 2022)
T 493 cm-10 Identification and Determination of Melamine resin in paper (July 23, 2022)
T 495 cm-13 Bending number of paperboard (July 23, 2022)
T 621 cm-10 Analysis of rosin (July 23, 2022)
T 628 cm-10 Analysis of rosin size (July 23, 2022)
T 266 om-18 Determination of sodium, calcium, copper, iron and manganese in pulp and paper by atomic absorption spectroscopy (July 23, 2022)
T 547 om-18 Air permeance of paper and paperboard (Sheffield method) (July 31, 2022)
T 617 cm-10 Analysis of lime (July 31, 2022) Ballot 2
T 534 om-15 Brightness of clay and other mineral pigments (d/0 diffuse) (July 31, 2022) Ballot 3
T 431 cm-10 Ink absorbency of blotting paper (July 31, 2022) Ballot 3 T 559 cm-12 Grease resistance test for paper and paperboard (August 7, 2022) Ballot 2
T 581 om-17 Dry tensile properties of paper towel and tissue products (using constant rate of elongation apparatus) (August 7, 2022) Ballot 2
T 449 om-14 Bacteriological examination of paper and paperboard (August 9, 2022) Ballot 2
T 1011 om-15 Basis weight of fiber glass mats (August 9, 2022) Ballot 2
T 1012 om-15 Moisture content of fiber glass mats (August 9, 2022) Ballot 3
The TAPPI Standards regulations require public review of standards that are up for ballot. Send a message to if you want to request a copy of the draft in ballot. If you would like to participate on any SSIGs to review and vote on Standards, please click here or contact
Listed below are TAPPI TIPs that were recently submitted to the Working Group for review. The date when the Work Item was opened is shown for each TIP, as well as the Subject Category under which the TIP is assigned and the Working Group Chair's (WGC) name. The target completion date for the review of each TIP is one year after the opening of the Work Item.
0304 - Process Control & Quality Assurance
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-07 Warp in corrugated board. WGC: Jeff Gebauer
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-47 Corrugator bearing clearance checks and their impact. WGC: TBD
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-50 Techniques to minimize twist warp. WGC: Jeff Gebauer
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-64 How to minimize rolling scores on lightweight and high-performance liners in diecutting operations. WGC: TBD
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-66 Impact of doublebacker hot plate level on board quality and how to measure it. WGC: John Semenske
June 1, 2022 TIP 0304-68 Improved techniques to measure corrugator glue machine meter gaps. WGC: Jeff Gebauer
0305 - Production
June 7, 2022 TIP 0305-46 Stacking off the rotary die cutter. WGC: TBD
0306 - Flexo Printing and Graphics
June 2, 2022 TIP 0306-15 Identifying anilox volume measuring equipment. WGC: John Rastetter
June 2, 2022 TIP 0306-18 Cleaning anilox rolls: procedures and options. WGC: John Rastetter
If you would like to participate in the Working Group to review any of these TIPs, please write to
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TIP 0502-01: Paper Machine Vacuum System Selection Factors
The purpose of this Technical Information Paper (TIP) is to provide a reference basis from which paper machine vacuum system airflow requirements may be calculated. Air flow sizing requirements for fourdriniers, press sections, tissue formers and cylinder machines are presented. Considering various gap and twin wire formers which are available, it is not possible to develop a document for every former configuration.
Selection (vacuum factors) factors given in this TIP are only guidelines. Vacuum airflow and resulting vacuum levels are just part of what can influence sheet dewatering – other important factors include machine speed, forming and press fabrics, former/press configuration, roll covers, furnish (or water retention value), refining and nip impulse. Vacuum system suppliers, machine builders, or application specialists should be consulted for accurate sizing and for specific applications.
Publishing date: April 2022
Purchasing link:
 Working Group:
Doug Sweet, P.E. – Chair, Doug Sweet & Associates, Inc. John Neun, John A. Neun, LLC Charles H. Wunner, VOONER Steve Wiseman, Yates Engineering Clay Arnold, James Ross Paula Hajakian, US Gypsum
Do you have an idea for a NEW TAPPI Standard or Technical Information Paper? We want to hear about it! Please fill out and submit the New Idea Submission form.
Volunteers for the following working groups of Technical Information Papers (TIPs) are needed. All Working Groups of TIPs require a minimum of 3 TAPPI members from 3 different companies in order to review a TIP. The following TIPs do not have either an assigned Working Group Chair (WGC) or enough Working Group Members to complete the review:
TIP 0304-07 Warp in corrugated board TIP 0304-16 Evaluating glue lap adhesive properties TIP 0304-31 Splicer defects and cures TIP 0304-37 How to prevent score cracking in a box plant TIP 0304-47 Corrugator bearing clearance checks and their impact TIP 0304-50 Techniques to minimize twist warp TIP 0304-64 How to minimize rolling scores on lightweight and high-performance liners in diecutting operations TIP 0304-66 Impact of doublebacker hot plate level on board quality and how to measure it TIP 0304-68 Improved techniques to measure corrugator glue machine meter gaps TIP 0304-72 Critical properties to consider when unitizing TIP 0305-46 Stacking off the rotary die cutter TIP 0305-47 Multiple-out rotary die cut stacking TIP 0306-11 Quality techniques using existing printing equipment TIP 0306-15 Identifying anilox volume measuring equipment TIP 0306-18 Cleaning anilox rolls: procedures and options TIP 0404-44 Sheet handling devices TIP 0410-09 Flow determination by chemical method TIP 0410-15 Optimum consistency for pumping pulp TIP 0416-07 Evaluating reverse osmosis for treating makeup to the boiler feedwater in a pulp and paper mill TIP 0416-13 Water treatment-related opportunities for energy conservation in a paper mill powerhouse TIP 0416-14 Water quality guidelines and monitoring requirements for paper mill boilers operating with softened makeup water TIP 0416-15 Chloride and potassium measurement and control in the pulping and chemical recovery cycle TIP 0416-25 Nitrogen oxide emissions control from biomass and kraft recovery boilers in the pulp and paper Industry TIP 1205-02 Cotton in nonwovens
If you would like to join a Working Group of a TIP, please write to for more information.
The Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) for the following Standards are in need of additional members. These groups may or may not have ballots currently open.
All Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIG) require a minimum of 10 members in order to ballot and vote on a draft of a method. The following test methods do not have the required minimum number of members to initiate a ballot:
Fillers and Pigments T 438 cm-06 Zinc and Cadmium in Paper
- Working Group Chair (WGC) Review Current SSIG Count = 9
Optical Properties
T 218 sp-18 Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (Büchner funnel procedure)
- Ballot up for review Current SSIG Count = 9
T 425 om-21 Opacity of paper (15/d geometry, illuminant A/2 degrees, 89% reflectance backing and paper backing)
- Automatic Review: 10/2025 Current SSIG Count = 9
T 515 om-20 Visual grading and color matching of paper
- Automatic Review: 04/2024 Current SSIG Count = 8
T 567 om-20 Determination of effective residual ink concentration (ERIC) by infrared reflectance measurement
- Automatic Review: 10/2024 Current SSIG Count = 9
T 579 om-18 Diffuse brightness of paper, paperboard and pulp (d/0) (ultraviolet level D65)
- Ballot up for review Current SSIG Count = 9
T 1217 sp-18 Photometric linearity of optical properties instruments
- Ballot up for review Current SSIG Count = 9
T 1500 gl-18 Optical measurements terminology (related to appearance evaluation of paper)
- Ballot up for review Current SSIG Count = 9
Physical Properties
T 454 om-21 Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers
- Automatic Review: 05/2025 Current SSIG Count = 9
Pulp Properties T 267 cm-15 Compression wood identification in pulpwood
- Automatic Review: 10/2024 Current SSIG Count = 8
T 282 om-19 Hexeneuronic acid content of chemical pulp
- Automatic Review: 05/2023 Current SSIG Count = 9
Participating in a SSIG is free and open to anyone interested. Join now!
If no progress is made on balancing these SSIGs, then the respective methods may be considered for withdrawal at the next Q&SMC meeting. If you have an interest in becoming a member of either of these SSIGs please contact or visit

... that to participate in the balloting process for TAPPI Standards you must sign up for the Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs)? Drafts are available for anyone... that to participate in the balloting process for TAPPI Standards you must sign up for the Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs)? Drafts are available for anyone to review, but to vote and comment you must be a member of the SSIG.
Each Standard has its own SSIG – so you have to sign up for each Standard that you have an interest in. Links to all of the SSIGs (by subject category) can be found on the Subject Category for Standards web page. Visit to join now.
Acronyms You May Need to Know For details on these commonly used acronyms in the development of TAPPI Standards and TIPs, please see the Standards Guidelines and the TIP Guidelines, or send your questions to
TIP = Technical Information Paper
Q&SMC = Quality and Standards Management Committee
SSIG = Standard-Specific Interest Group
SARG = Standards Advisory Review Group
WI = Work Item
WG = Working Group
WGC = Working Group Chair
om = Official Method
pm = Provisional Method
sp = Standard Practice
cm = Classical Method
ss = Standard Specification
sg = Standard Guideline
gl = Standard Glossary
wd = Withdrawn Standard
UM = Useful Method
Details on how to search and order TAPPI Standards, TIPs, and Useful Methods can be found on the TAPPI website’s Search and Order page.
All individual TIPs or Standards are available for electronic or paper delivery. For electronic delivery, the documents are e-mailed in PDF format. Hard copy documents can be mailed or faxed, but shipping and handling costs will apply.
For Individual TIPs, order Item Number: 0108____ (Insert TIP number)
For Individual Standards, order Item Number: 0104T____ (Insert Standard number)
For individual Useful Methods, order item number: 0104UM_____ (Insert UM number)
List price: $49; TAPPI member price: $32. There are no shipping or handling charges for electronic documents.
The TAPPI CD of Standards, TIPs, and UMs has been discontinued for 2021. An Individual or Company License for access to the continually updated collection of Standards, TIPs, and UMs via the web is the best way to always have a current set of documents accessible. A print-on-demand version of either the Standards, TIPs, or UMs, current and updated as of the date printed, is also available.
For information and quotes on company licenses, contact TAPPI Press ( or +1-770-209-7277. For regular orders (including individual online licenses), contact Member Connection at 1-800-332-8686 (US), 1-800-446-9431 (Canada), or +1-770-446-1400 (international), or order on line at
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