New member: Charles Romano has been added to the US TAG in the areas of ink, coatings and deinkability. He is a research scientist/engineer at Kodak in Rochester, NY.

Todd Popson has been named Convenor of WG 3 (optical properties) for a 3-year term starting Jan. 2022.

ISO TC 6 (pulp, paper and board) is investigating the need for certifications related to sustainability and the circular economy. Mary Kombolias is a US Expert to TG 2 (Identification of Organizations - Environmental issues) which is performing a mapping exercise looking at the various certifications, labels and bodies that already exist. This will be used to evaluate what role TC6 can play in this area as many issues surround recyclability and sustainability. Please contact Mary to participate or comment on this work.

If you would like to know more or join the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 6, please write to

M.Todd Popson
Chair of ISO TC6/ US TAG