The system for review and development of TAPPI Standards requires an announcement of review dates so that any interested TAPPI parties may access the drafts, submit comments, and/or join the Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG) to cast an official vote. Listed below are the new Standards opening up for review within the next month. Please contact by April 22, 2021 if you wish to participate in any of the below reviews

Any interested individuals who wish to be part of the voting for any Standard should send a message to and request voting membership on the corresponding SSIG, prior to the target ballot date, if possible. Anyone who joins the SSIG before the target balloting date will receive a notice of the ballot.

If you have joined the Standard Specific Interest Group for any Standard, you will receive a notice for ballot at the proper time with instructions for casting your vote and making your comments. If you wish to join the Standard Specific Interest Group for a particular Standard, please go to the Subject Categories for Standards page or contact the Standards Department at TAPPI (, or phone +1-770-209-7249 or fax +1-770-446-6947).

Pulp Properties

T 227 om-17 Freeness of pulp (Canadian standard method)

T 278 sp-17 Pulp screening (Valley-type screening device)

Physical Properties

T 433 cm-12 Water resistance of sized paper and paperboard (dry indicator method)

T 448 om-17 Water vapor transmission rate of paper and paperboard at 23 degrees C and 50% RH

T 559 cm-12 Grease resistance test for paper and paperboard

T 581 om-17 Dry tensile properties of paper towel and tissue products (using constant rate of elongation apparatus)

Fiberboard Shipping Container Testing

T 838 cm-12 Edge crush test using neckdown