The scope of the proposal for a new Technical Information Paper is shown below, as well as the assigned Subject Category, the date when the Work Item was opened, the title of the new proposal and the name of the Working Group Chair (WGC).

0404 - Water Removal
2/4/19 TIP 0404-XX Thermocompressor Applications for Paper Drying. WGC: Mike Soucy

This Technical Information Paper provides guidelines for thermocompressor applications in paper machine steam and condensate systems.
This TIP provides a review of the theory of thermocompressor operation as well as some practical guidelines and common mistakes on typical applications.
Thermocompressors are widely used in paper machine steam and condensate systems. A thermocompressor is a jet ejector that uses high-pressure motive steam to recompress lower pressure steam. Typical applications include re-circulating blowthrough steam in a group of dryers or a Yankee cylinder, or boosting low-pressure steam for use in a system requiring higher operating pressures.
Please note that it is essential to establish proper design conditions, since thermocompressors are custom built for each application. An incorrectly designed unit can be unstable, uncontrollable, and waste significant amounts of steam.
The intention of this TIP is not to provide an engineering guideline for detailed design of thermocompressors or thermocompressor systems – this is a task that should be reserved for companies or individuals with specialized tools and expertise in these applications – but rather to provide an overview of thermocompressor application and operation.

If you would like to join the Working Group or review the final draft for this new proposal, please write to