Revision of UM 821 proposed

A working group has been formed to make revisions to UM 821 "A Nondestructive Production Tool to Measure the General Flute Quality and Damage of Corrugated Board Using Resonance Frequency Technology."

According to the working group's proposal, damage to the flute structure during box production can be difficult to determine, and occurs in nearly all box plant operations. UM 821 provides a technique to measure the degree of damage, allowing boxmakers to determine the source and cause of excessive corrugated board damage. This revision is being undertaken with the goal of better describing the operation of the instrument and clarifying the fundamental principles of operations, so that the method can be generally applied. Contributions from those who have experience using the instrument would be appreciated.

If you would like to join the working group and participate in the revision of this Useful Method, please send a message to no later than December 7, 2012.