Ence's Navia Pulp Mill Achieved Outstanding Safety and Environmental Results in 2021

Ence announced that its Navia pulp mill closed 2021 with outstanding results in both safety and environmental performance — two of the company's strategic priorities. The mill has received new endorsements such as the SURE certificate of biomass sustainability and the revalidation of the Zero Waste seal, from AENOR.
The Navia mill, located in the municipality of Navia in Asturias, Spain, has the capacity to produce 685,000 tons per year of high-quality eucalyptus ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) pulp.

The Navia pulp mill also achieved ISO 45001 certification for occupational health and safety management systems, aimed at protecting workers and visitors from accidents and occupational diseases. In addition, several PSM (Process Safety Management) pilot projects have been developed during the year, highlighting the company's commitment to excellence in safety.

In regards to COVID-19, Ence said that the mill successfully maintained strict prevention measures within the security protocol launched in February 2020, allowing personnel to carry out work without risk of contagion. Measures such as disinfection of spaces, a minimum distance of 2 meters between workers, wearing a FFP2 mask and gloves helped to create a safe work environment.

In addition, Ence said all workers at its facilities are tested — surpassing 20,000 tests in 2021 — and daily audits are also carried out by the operation and security personnel in compliance with the COVID protocol.

From an environmental standpoint, the Navia mill finished 2021 with the lowest levels of odorous emissions in its history, with a reduction of more than 50 percent compared to the previous historical mark — another step towards the company's commitment to achieve zero odor from its operation in Navia.

Ence noted that more than 97 percent of the waste generated by its production facilities is recovered.
