Find Solutions to Your Circular Economy and Sustainability Issues at IFPED 2020

The Circular economy and sustainability are two top trending topics in today’s flexible packaging industry.

TAPPI’s 2020 International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division Conference has a technical program that offers solutions to these complex challenges, as well as insight into consumer perceptions, the journey to commercialized recycling and the war on plastics and packaging waste.

The Conference happens April 19 – 22 at the InterContinental Hotel in San Diego, California and the comprehensive technical program focuses on some of the most pertinent trending topics including:

The theme of this year’s conference focuses on the Vision of Packaging and Converting: Seeing Beyond 2020, and the in-depth program dives even deeper with additional topics covering technical advances in recycling, as well as advancements in coating, recycling, equipment and barrier performance.

Two industry leaders will present keynote addresses that examine challenges businesses today face from both a regulatory and industry perspective. Alison Keane, Esq., CAE, President and CEO of the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), will deliver “The State of the Flexible Packaging Industry” and George G. Misko, Partner, Keller and Heckman, LLP, tackles the impactful “Key Regulatory Issues in Today’s Industry.

Reserve your seat now to learn the latest, cutting-edge information about the future of packaging and converting from leading industry experts. And, take advantage of Early Bird savings.

For hotel, travel and sightseeing information, visit the Conference website.