Wax Coating Usage Drops Below 3% of Total Corrugated Shipments

A recent study sponsored by the Corrugated Packaging Alliance, Elk Grove Village, Ill., USA, shows the corrugated industry continues to dramatically decrease its use of wax coatings. 

In 2013, the industry used 39% less wax than in 2002, when wax usage was first measured. The reduction brings the total waxed corrugated volume to just below 3% of total corrugated volume produced in 2013 compared with 5% of total volume in 2002.

The dramatic decrease is attributed to the development of recyclable alternatives. By developing and using wax alternatives, the industry continues to increase the amount of recyclable corrugated packaging. Coupled with the tremendous supermarket and retail collection of old corrugated containers (OCC), today there’s very little corrugated packaging going to landfills.
