Communication, Writing, Presentation Skills Lacking in Manufacturing Workforce

A recent "skills gap survey" of hiring managers and HR professionals revealed that many of the needed soft skills to be a successful manufacturing employee were lacking in both existing workers and potential new hires. Conducted by LMA Consulting Group, Claremont, Calif., USA, in conjunction with APISD – Inland Empire chapter, the survey honed in on how manufacturers and distributors are adjusting to the new business normal in terms of their workforce.
For current employers, 77.7 % of respondents stated that their own employees lack basic presentation and communications skills needed to be successful in their current positions and that this lack of skill would impact future professional movement within the organization.
"We typically looked at technical skills and where we can meet the shortfall in demand planning, supply chain management, and production planning—more operational in nature. But what the survey uncovered is a bigger issue that impacts the way we get things done," explains Anderson. "The inability to write a memo or communicate process changes in a meeting is problematic for any organization seeking to improve its operations. One management-level survey participant stated that he needed to be present in meetings to lead and take notes or progress would be stalled. That burdens managers to a lower administration level rather than allowing them to be more forward-thinking and managing future change."
Closely following a gap in communication skills is the inability to problem-solve or come up with ideas or alternatives to a situation or issue. In general, the manufacturing workforce is asking for direction from supervisors or managers rather than initiating new ideas and solutions.
"That makes sense in part to the 'don't rock the boat' mentality many workers had during the recession. They didn't want to lose their jobs or create extra work when they were most likely already short-staffed," says Anderson. "Now that the market is changing, your superstar workers will move on while your 'do the time, get the dime' employees with stay put without expanding their skills."  

The complete Manufacturing and Distribution Skills Gap report will be available later this month. Register online to automatically receive the free report when it is available.