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Ask The Experts: Web Handling

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Announcing a new event from TAPPI Connect’s Open Forum “Ask The Expert” Series 

Get Answers to Questions about Web Handling

Friday, February 12, 2021

10:00am to 12:00pm EDT

No Cost! Just log in to TAPPI Connect to participate.

Meet the Experts: Web Handling Handbook authors Timothy J. Walker, Dr. Dilwyn P Jones and David Roisum, Ph.D.

During this two-hour session on TAPPI Connect, you’ll be able to watch live and participate in a Q&A session with Walker, Jones and Rosium, authors of the new go-to book for trouble-shooting technical aspects of handling or processing thin flexible materials for anyone working with webs and web processes: The Web Handling Handbook, now available through TAPPI Press. 

Their new book comprehensively describes and discusses a wide range of technical aspects related to handling webs, which include paper, plastic films, foils, nonwovens, rubber, tissue, textiles and more.  It also focuses effective methods to troubleshoot and correct defects such as wrinkles, bagginess, curl, and misshapen wound rolls; as well as money-saving waste-reduction ideas.  This live session will be a valuable resource for industry professionals seeking problem-solving resources! 

To attend, all you need to do is Login at 10:00am EDT (or any time before it ends at noon) on Friday, December 4. 

During this live event, you can post your questions* on the Open Forum feed.  Walker, Jones and Rosium will respond as quickly as possible. If they do not have an opportunity to respond to your question within the time-frame, the question will be  addressed within the next week.   This live session will also be archived and accessible after the event.


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