It's never too late to invest in yourself!
The ROI for investing in your professional development is greater than any financial investment you can make. The returns are substantial — from increasing earning potential and opening up new opportunities to protecting yourself from unemployment and receiving that amazing feeling of pride that comes from personal growth — so start investing in yourself now by registering today for MPI Potomac’s CMP Virtual Preparation Course.
There are multiple ways to participate this fall to fit your schedule.
1) Eight-Week Course:
This prep course will have weekly live Q&A sessions with our CMP facilitators.
Fall Course is every Monday
September 19-November 15
*Please note there will not be a session on September 26, and the final class will take place Tuesday, November 15.
2) Bootcamp:
An instense four-hour live session with the CMP facilitators, including breakout rooms to focus on the domains in which you have the most interest.
Winter Bootcamp
Saturday, December 10
3) Bonus Option:
Need a little extra study help? Join us for the live-session boot camp after the eight-week course is over.