Road to ReConEx

ReConEx, the MPI Potomac Chapter Regional Conference in April, is in the process of being built by our committee members who are working hard to plan the conference and streamline the educational content. Our call for presentations ended November 15, and we are now mapping out the program with engaging sessions and intriguing keynote speakers; we strived to find the right voice to help us craft our message and infuse our audience with enthusiasm and excitement.
To that effect, we are excited to announce extraordinaire Rachel Sheerin is back. Rachel will be the ReConEx 2022 master of ceremony. Rachel lives in Charlotte and is an affiliate member of MPI Potomac.
In receipt of this fabulous news, Visit Charlotte has extended its support for its almost-native, talented professional to work alongside Rachel sharing videos of the Road to ReConEx. Starting at the January Educational Experience and the months leading to the conference the two will share videos of their Road to ReConEx.
Watch out for Rachel’s videos on all of our electronic communications to keep you up to date with our plans as we pave the way to ReConEx. We look forward to your “likes” and comments and hope that you’ll grace us with your presence on April 26, 2022!
Cristina Charron, CMP
Board Director, ReConEx