Delivering Meeting Services in a Foreign Country
By Alyssa M. Kolat, CMP, DES, senior meeting consultant, Site Solutions Worldwide
I spent this summer working in Japan, in the middle of a pandemic, for the U.S. Department of State during the 2020 (actually 2021) Olympic and Paralympic Games. There are many safety and security concerns just delivering housing and transportation services to a client. When working in a culturally different environment with changing rules as a result of a global pandemic, the challenges can be overwhelming.
Safety concerns:
From the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee:
Thank you, Alyssa, for being part of the team to keep U.S. athletes safe and sharing your experience! Here is a brief “behind-the-scenes” news story about diplomatic security service at the Olympics.
If you have a story to share, DE&I resources or action items for our industry, or if you're just curious, please do not hesitate to reach out to us:

DE&I Committee Board Director: Leila Beltramo,
DE&I Committee Co-Chair: Joan Aiken,

MPI Potomac is an inclusive community of meeting professionals who embrace learning, collaboration and your development.