Did I Just Say That?
by Anthony Molino, Director of Hotel Sales, Choose Chicago
and MPI Potomac Chapter Immediate Past President
Advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion is not a color by number process. There is no right or wrong answer, if in your soul you are open to listening and learning. When I first turned my focus to DE&I it was not on purpose. I admit, it wasn’t this fire in my gut that said, “This is what I need to do!” It was listening to my peers, trying my best to empathize, and admitting that because I didn’t feel the same discrimination or loneliness that I was the problem.
On my path to understanding, I made some very insensitive comments, and one that continues to haunt me. For a Caucasian person, you may recognize this statement. From a white man to a black man, “You are one of the whitest black guys I know!” Ouch, right? Seriously, it haunts me. Luckily, this comment was made to one of my closest friends and professional partners in the industry. He called me out for this statement, explained why it was wrong, and most importantly forgave me if I learned from it. Had I said this to a stranger, who knows what the reaction might have been? And would I still have understood just how wrong a statement like that could be?
Just like with a new job, or a sport, understanding and competence takes practice. It is a never-ending search for education and clarity. It is important to fully understand the “why” the focus and advocacy on DE&I is important. Once you let that sink in, any action you take to make changes is the right action. Expect obstacles along the way. This is not an easy subject, but it is important, and you’ll find most people welcome a conversation. Be raw with your feelings and ask questions. Don’t pretend to know what it’s like to be another race, sexuality, or have been born in with a different socioeconomic status. Give space to share your story and be open to listen to others.
As I finish my term in the Office of the President on the MPI Potomac Board of Directors, I look forward to continuing my work on the MPI International DE&I committee. The work never ends and that is okay. From generation to generation, the world is constantly changing. I choose to change with it, reminding our community that different is exciting. If we embrace those differences, imagine what we can accomplish!
The MPI Potomac Chapter Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Committee is committed to bringing you relevant topics, our podcast series and our DE&I System and Roadmap. To learn more about our DEI Initiative, please visit us at www.mpi.org/chapters/potomac/media-resources/diversity-inclusion or contact our co-chairs: Anjali Sanghvi, anjalisanghvi@gmail.com, or Joan Aiken, jmaiken22@msn.com.