Oh, and in Case You Missed It ... Here's the November e2 Recap

MPI Potomac’s November e2 was quite the hit! With over 85 attendees, this new format allowed attendees to listen to four sets of panelists moderated by Will Trokey with Visit Charlotte, who shared tips and great information about how working with your local CVB can help you prepare during these changing times.
In the first set, we had Brent Foerster with Meet Minneapolis Convention & Visitors Association and Mike Wilson with American Veterinary Medical Association who shared how you can work with your local CVB to understand the specific guidelines that vary from city to city and how communicating expectations to the planners is critical during a site inspection.
In the second set, Dionne Williamson with Visit Buffalo Niagara and Melissa Burke with the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center shared how CVBs are a great resource to keep us abreast of the protocols, travel regulations and guidelines that have been put in place that are important to know ahead of time when planning an event at a certain destination. Another point brought up by Dionne and Melissa was that it’s very important to investigate the programs that convention centers, venues and hotels have adapted to keep and make everyone feel comfortable and safe, such as being accredited with the GBAC Star Facility Accreditation, which is the gold standard of prepared facilities. If you wish to learn more, here is the link: https://gbac.issa.com/issa-gbac-star-facility-accreditation/
Stephen Jackson with Greater Raleigh Convention & Visitors Bureau and Farrah Staub with Raleigh Marriott Crabtree talked about innovative ideas to implement to make attendees feel more safe at the hotel and about the Count On Me NC program, which is a public health initiative. Hotels and restaurants can be certified under this statewide program to keep guests and employees safe from COVID-19.
Last, but not least, Jennifer Abdinoor with Tahoe Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority interviewed Mayor Hillary Schieve from Reno, Nevada. Mayor Schieve concluded the panel encouraging everyone to work with their CVB because of all the resources that they can share to stay well-informed about any guidelines, changes and activities happening at a certain destination.
Thank you again to our strategic partners Cvent, BAV, Visit Raleigh, HALO Branded Solutions, Kalahari Resorts & Conventions, Extraordinary Entertainment and CVBReps.com.
And thanks to our event sponsors Visit Raleigh, Visit Reno Tahoe, Meet Minneapolis, BAV, Buffalo Niagara Convention Center and Visit Buffalo Niagara.