Leadership Series & Mentoring Program Updates
  Leadership Series

The Leadership Development Committee is committed to provide members with fresh ideas regarding leadership and mentorship. Below is a list of upcoming content and information updates on both programs.

Leadership Series
Are you thinking about joining the board of directors or just want to learn more about the process? Then be sure to watch the second installment of our Leadership Series “Completing the Board Application” later this month. It will focus on completing questions that are on the board application.

Mentoring Program
Did you know that there are several health benefits of mentorship? Here are a few from the health professionals at Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Emotional Benefits:
For Mentors: A way to give back; work with varying personalities and styles; get the satisfaction of imparting wisdom and advice.
For Mentees: It provides a support system during critical stages of development.
Community Benefits: Both mentors and mentees will experience the diversity of cultures and experiences.
Social Benefits: Both mentors and mentees will create a career network.
Career Benefits: Mentors can enhance their skills in coaching, leadership and interpersonal skills.

Are you looking to grow personally and professionally? Looking for ways to engage with other MPI Potomac Chapter members? Consider signing up for our new mentor program that will launch in January. Contact Ronda Keys at rkeys@inspiredeventpro.com.