MPI Potomac CMP Prep Course Goes Virtual!
After an abrupt switch to virtual midway through the Spring CMP Prep Study Course, the Certifications and Career Development Committee quickly worked to design and host an all-virtual Summer CMP Prep Course. The pilot six-week course offered both on-demand lecture recordings and weekly Zoom “office hours” with the facilitators who lectured that week. Participants joined the live sessions from locations around the world, including the DMV, Texas, California and even Switzerland! 
Here's what students had to say about the course:

"This was an excellent course! It provided me with helpful tips to prepare for the CMP [exam]. ... I appreciated all of the instructors' feedback and advice for preparing/day of exam."

"[The course] was extremely helpful and provides beneficial tools to understand the best way to approach taking tests."
Are you studying for your CMP exam? Our next CMP Prep Virtual Study Course starts Wednesday, Sept. 9. Visit the website here for more information and to register now!