Get to know Devin Lewis - 2020-2021 MPI Potomac President

 “Give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into who you are meant to be. Stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things." (Unknown)
Born Devin Howard, aka ShuQueenDiva, in Orlando, Florida, Devin Lewis is the current president of the MPI Potomac Chapter. She has been with MPI for 21 years and is the director of regional sales for the Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority.
This true Scorpio finds the resiliency of people during these trying times very inspiring. “These are the hotel workers that are furloughed or laid off – even the ones that so bravely go back to work because providing excellent service is all they know. The parents that are now 'home-school' teachers and full-time salespeople all at the same time. The small business owners that were forced to shut down, but figured out how to get some money out of selling off food that had been purchased so that it wouldn’t go bad. Some went even further by just donating what they had, knowing that 'paying it forward' was the right thing to do. I am inspired by the everyday people who continue to uplift and support others, even when their own situations are dire and bleak. It is because of those individuals I have no doubt that our industry will rebound. It will take a little longer but we'll make it happen. #ALLINTHISTOGETHER"
"Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody." (Unknown)
As MPI Potomac’s first black female president, Devin loves meeting new people. She has worked as a supplier and a planner and can relate to the drivers on each side. She would like to be remembered as the person that made MPI Potomac feel inclusive and welcoming. "Being the first anything is incredibly special, but I hope my time as president is the catalyst for change to the point where there are no more 'firsts' — we will have checked off all of the boxes."
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
"You must be able to effectively communicate with everyone in an authentic way — from the cleaning crew to the CEO. Treat people the way you want to be treated — with dignity and respect. Every day you must RISE and GRIND to get one step closer to achieving your goals. Be good to yourself so you can in turn be good to others."
“Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there.” (Marie Forleo)
What do you love most about being a member of the MPI Potomac Chapter?
"Connecting with the membership. Saying hello to new members, sending a note of thanks to renewing members and talking to potential members about the benefits of the MPI Potomac organization are things that make me smile from the inside out. It has been the gift that keeps giving."
The avid midnight snacker and mother of two loves chocolate and Lifesaver Gummies and has recently dusted off her copy of the Shaun T “Cize It Up" workout. As someone that loves to experience new cultures, she takes at least three to four trips a year, with her most recent trips being Shanghai, Beijing, Hawaii and the Dominican Republic. “I work HARD; I play HARDER." Next on the travel list are Singapore, Australia, Spain, Italy, Thailand and Maldives.
"People will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." (Maya Angelou)