Volunteer Spotlight: Janice Jackson

Tips to share with others in our industry?

Get involved and stay fresh. Whether as a mentor or an industry resource, get involved with other planners. Share tips on what works and in what areas, opportunities for change took place. Remember that learning happens outside of your comfort zone. Event planners speak an unique language so it is a welcome change to be amongst fellow "event speakers.”

Fun facts about yourself?

I once opened for Whitney Houston.

What three tips can you share with others in our industry?

1. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin must have been an event planner. Set clear, organized and achievable goals. Use a project management system that can outline your event goals and keep you on pace for your deliverables.

2. Engage, engage, engage. Events are no longer about signing in and leaving with a swag bag. Think through the experience you are creating for attendees. Especially for events that occur annually. What are the nuances that makes each attendee feel we thought of them at each stage of planning? Be intentionally deliberate with each event detail. Desire to tap into the heart of the intended audience and conjure a desired reaction within them that captivates their attention and creates an emotional connection.

3. Relax, relate and release. It comes to no surprise wellness venues, activities and themed functions are increasing. Self-care is optimal for a profession whose job is to take care of others. Not only is it important to take care of yourself while you are executing your events, but it is as important in the months ahead of time as you are planning and preparing. Set boundaries for yourself, schedule "me” time on that busy calendar, take a walk, as balance comes from knowing personal limits.