Why You Should Join a Professional Organization

If you are like me, you are a very busy person. Finding and making the time to excel at work and family life are both full time jobs and there are never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that you want to do. That being said, I am going to encourage you to add one more thing to your plate: professional organizations. 

Whether you are just starting out or are mid-career, you should definitely join at least one professional organization in your field. BUT, don’t just join a professional organization; choose to be an active participant in the organization. As a D.C.-based audiovisual services provider, I decided early on to become active in the Potomac Chapter of Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and Integrate! Baltimore. When you are active in an organization, you can possibly find the following benefits:
If you are nervous about attending events for the professional organization that you choose, FIND A BUDDY! Someone at your firm may be able to attend your first event with you and introduce you to a few people there. You can also reach out to the organizer of the event and ask them to introduce you to attendees who have similar interests as you. Bottom line: DON’T BE AFRAID to join, be active, and participate. You’ll benefit tremendously.

Alexis La Broi, MBA, CMP, is a Systems Consultant for Avitecture, Inc., an AV systems integrator, based in Sterling, VA. In the past, she worked in audiovisual rental and staging. She is the PMPI Board Director for Membership Recruitment and Retention. Email alexis.labroi@avitecture.com and visit www.avitecture.com.