MPI Potomac FYI

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Strong. Resilient. Hardworking.
Those are just a few of the qualities that embody the people of our great industry.
We cannot wait to be together again.
Join us on April 26, 2022,
at The Hotel at the University of Maryland
 or Virtual.
Program Hot Topics
We are thrilled to announce that a dynamic array of industry experts will be on the agenda at this year’s conference. Here are some of the highlights:
The conference will open with a panel of experts: Mike Lyons, Assegid Habtewold and Preethi Fernando, who will exchange ideas on how to recalibrate our skills in the workplace by using our emotional intelligence and by developing the right mindset and the necessary competencies that will help us position ourselves for a career progression.
Over lunch, Carlos Gil, best-selling author of "The End of Marketing," will teach us how to remain digitally relevant in a pandemic world where algorithms dominate, organic reach is dwindling and consumers don’t want to be sold to; they want to be engaged!
The grand education finale will be an interactive dialogue on diversity and inclusion — upgrading your Awareness to Action. Tanida Mullen, Zoe Moore and Anthony Molino will share ideas about how to engage authentically, plan strategically and measure for impact. This conversation will address current events that have impacted the way we think, work and interact with one another.
We welcome all meeting professionals to join MPI Potomac for an unrivaled opportunity to become reenergized, learn from industry leaders, acquire new tools and skills, network with peers, sponsors, and exhibitors, and have fun!
Check out our newly redesigned website for more details the breadth of exciting programming we are looking forward to sharing with you on April 26, 2022. 

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