Featured Highlights

Happy New Year! Or should I say happy course selection season!?

As the new VP of Professional Development, I will be working with the PD committee to bring you sessions that are both meaningful and useful. We have been hearing about the influx of new counsellors in the system and understand the information overload that you may be experiencing. I have been so fortunate to have wonderful colleagues, both at my school, and on the OSCA board, who have graciously answered questions and provided needed information. I would encourage you to find your ‘go to’ people and ask for help when you need it. In the midst of your busy schedules, I challenge you to take some time for professional development this year, and hope you will find it both enriching and rewarding.

I have been a Guidance Counsellor at Elmira District Secondary School for the past 12 years, and taught math and music in Waterloo Region District School Board as well. In my first career I was a professional singer, pianist, and lecturer at Wilfrid Laurier University.

I wish you all the best this year and look forward to meeting you at the November Conference!

Kim Enns-Hildebrand, VP of PD


Bonne année ! Ou devrais-je plutôt vous souhaiter une bonne saison de choix de cours ?!

En tant que nouvelle vice-présidente du perfectionnement professionnel, je travaillerai avec le comité de perfectionnement professionnel pour vous proposer des séances à la fois significatives et utiles. Nous comprenons la surcharge informationnelle à laquelle vous pourriez être confronté en raison de l’afflux de nouveaux conseillers dans le système. J’ai eu la chance d’avoir des collègues formidables, à la fois dans mon école et au sein du conseil OSCA/ACOSO, qui ont gracieusement répondu aux questions et fourni des informations nécessaires. Je vous encourage à trouver les personnes vers qui vous pouvez vous tourner et à demander de l’aide lorsque vous en avez besoin. Malgré vos horaires chargés, je vous lance le défi de consacrer du temps au perfectionnement professionnel cette année et j’espère que vous le trouverez à la fois enrichissant et valorisant.

Je suis conseillère en orientation à Elmira District Secondary School depuis 12 ans et j’ai aussi enseigné les mathématiques et la musique au sein du Waterloo Region District School Board (Conseil scolaire régional du district de Waterloo). Comme première carrière, j’étais chanteuse, pianiste et maîtresse de conférences à l’Université Wilfrid-

Je vous présente mes meilleurs vœux pour l’année et j’ai hâte de vous rencontrer à la conférence de novembre !

Kim Enns-Hildebrand, VP du comité PP

Your Students Belong Here
Centennial College®
Over the past 55 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution. We have established a unique position in the marketplace locally and around the world – work we are confident has led to our #1 ranking in the Greater Toronto Area for graduate satisfaction. Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of services and supports to ensure students will not only succeed, but truly thrive.
Learn how we can help your students.
The focus of the Building Awareness of Careers in Agriculture and Food & Beverage Manufacturing Symposium will be to bring together agriculture and food beverage manufacturing stakeholders with career guidance professionals to discuss careers in ag & f&B manufacturing and ways to increase awareness through career and guidance counseling channels. We hope you can join us!

Le Colloque sur la sensibilisation aux carrières en agriculture et dans la fabrication des aliments et des boissons aura pour but de réunir des intervenants des secteurs de l’agriculture et de la fabrication des aliments et des boissons ainsi que des intervenants en orientation professionnelle afin de discuter des carrières dans les secteurs de l’agriculture et de la fabrication des aliments et des boissons de même que des façons d’accroître la sensibilisation par l’entremise de services de consultation professionnelle et d’orientation. Nous espérons que vous pourrez vous joindre à nous!
We’re excited to be back in Toronto this spring, and to meet your students. This free event is for students who are considering their post-secondary options in Canada or abroad. Meet in-person with universities and colleges, attend seminars and win some great prizes.

Details: Sunday, March 3

Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, but arrive at noon for the first seminar on scholarships

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building
St. Clair College
UNIC Medical School
Post Secondary Information
This is a reminder that February 1, 2024 is the equal consideration date!

What’s the Equal Consideration Date?
Also known as the ECD, the equal consideration date is the deadline for applying to those highly competitive programs that start in fall 2024. After the equal consideration date, applications for programs with remaining spaces will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Toronto Metropolitan University
Thursday, February 8, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Join us for a one-hour virtual session to connect with the TMU community!

Hear updates on our admissions cycle from Scott O'Neill, Director, Admissions and National Recruitment, and have your questions answered.

Learn from Sonny Wong, Career Counsellor in the Faculty of Arts, about what makes an arts degree valuable for future students.
The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA), a non-profit organization dedicated to mitigating the environmental impact of e-waste by refurbishing and reusing IT-related devices is here to tell you about our $1 million and $100 thousand dollar ERA Scholarship, running from January 1, 2024, to September 1, 2024.
The Be There Certificate program that is designed to inform youth how to be there for themselves or someone else struggling with their mental health using our 5 Golden Rules. We believe this course is truly one of its kind in the youth mental health space as it represents the youth audience and is designed with scenarios that resonate with experiences of secondary or post-secondary school audiences. With over 35 thousand completions to date, we are hoping to promote the certificate to our highschool audience to ensure that our youth is equipped with valuable resources that support their mental health. Thus, we would like to discuss the potential of offering our Be There Certification program as a way for highschool students to earn their volunteer hours.

- This is a free online course that requires about two hours of the learner's time to be completed.
- At the end of the course, the learner earns a certificate of completion that indicates each learner mastered the 5 Golden Rules of Being There.
- We believe that this course exemplifies the premise of volunteerism amongst students as it demonstrates peer-support and knowledge building outside of their school surroundings.
- We would like to offer two volunteer hours for each student who completes the course.
January 26, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Are you a mature prospect or post-secondary student interested in exploring and learning how people with disabilities are shaped by patterns of injustice, exclusion and discrimination, and social, cultural and aesthetic ‘norms’?

Register for our webinar below to learn more about our part-time degree completion Disability Studies program, admission requirements for college and university students, transfer credits, career options, and more during Pathways Weeks 2024.
Have you or the youth you work with enjoyed our Unpacking the LGBT Purge Virtual forums this past fall?

The project, funded by the Government of Canada, continues this winter with a Youth Summit that will be taking place in person on the unceded, unsurrendered Algonquin-Anishinaabe territory, colonially known as Ottawa, Ontario on March 23 – 24, 2024.

The Unpacking the LGBT Purge: Youth Summit is a free, bilingual event that will engage ten youth (18 – 29) in collective art-making projects that further extend learning and dialogue about the politics of commemoration of 2SLGBTQIA histories and experiences. Apply by January 21, 2024.

As-tu apprécié nos forums virtuels pour notre project Lever le voile sur la Purge LGBT cet automne?

Ce projet, financé par le Gouvernement du Canada, continue cet hiver et prendra la forme d’un Sommet des jeunes. Cet événement se déroulera en personne sur le territoire non cédé des Algonquins-Anishinabe, connu sous le nom colonial d’Ottawa, en Ontario, les 23 et 24 mars 2024.

Le Sommet des jeunes du projet Lever le voile sur la purge LGBT est un événement gratuit et bilingue qui fera participer 10 jeunes de 18 à 29 ans à des projets artistiques leur permettant d’approfondir leurs apprentissages et leurs réflexions sur la politique entourant la commémoration de l’histoire et des expériences de la communauté 2SLGBTQIA . Postulez avant le 21 janvier 2024.

School Mental Health Ontario recognizes the important role Student Support Staff & Guidance Educators play in supporting students across schools. We are pleased to continue offering training and learning opportunities for these staff as they continue to develop authentic relationships with students.  

This school year, we will be offering the following professional development opportunities as part of our Early Identification and Support Portfolio:   

Foundations of Early Identification and Support (for Student Support Staff & Guidance Educators) 

If you have any questions about any of the offerings above, please do not hesitate to reach out to Theresa Wilson twilson@smho-smso.ca (ENG) or Edith St-Arnaud (FR) estarnaud@smho-smso.ca


Santé mentale en milieu scolaire Ontario reconnait que le personnel de soutien aux élèves et le personnel enseignant en orientation jouent un rôle important pour appuyer les élèves dans toutes les écoles. Nous sommes donc heureux d''offrir à ce personnel des occasions de formation et d''apprentissage pour les accompagner dans leur travail auprès des élèves et ainsi les aider à nouer des relations authentiques.  

Au cours de cette année scolaire, nous proposerons de nombreuses occasions de perfectionnement professionnel dans le cadre du portefeuille de Dépistage précoce et soutien, à savoir :   

Fondements du dépistage précoce et du soutien (à l''intention du personnel de soutien aux élèves et du personnel enseignant en orientation)

Si vous avez des questions ou des inquiétudes concernant les formations mentionnées ci-dessus, veuillez communiquer avec Edith St-Arnaud (FR) estarnaud@smho-smso.ca ou Theresa Wilson twilson@smho-smso.ca (ENG).

See what Fanshawe has to offer
Fanshawe College®
We’re here to help your students and connect you with the resources you need. Book a campus tour, speak with a student recruiter, or join an information session. Our recruiters are now booking visits to career classes! Connect with a Fanshawe representative and find out why over 20,000 students choose Fanshawe every year.
Connect With Us
Hope is a vital ingredient in general well-being, as well as in career development, but sometimes it feels like it’s in short supply. A sense of "stuckness" or dealing with job search rejection can leave us feeling discouraged. If you or your clients are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you might find some comfort – and some ideas for action – in these words of wisdom from career professionals about hope.
Join us for wide-ranging chats with environmental educators about best practices, changing trends, and new insights about the outdoor and environmental learning field. Long-time educators Ian Shanahan and Jade Harvey-Berrill facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Subscribers' Lounge

Dear OSCA/ACOSO Community,

It is my joy and honour to serve a second year on the OSCA Board as the Vice President of Communications. Previously, I was a director on the Professional Development team. This is my fourth year in Secondary Guidance, and my eighth year as a classroom teacher.

I have had the privilege of working in a diverse range of contexts, both public and private, in North America and abroad. I worked as a teacher in public and charter schools predominantly in South Central Los Angeles before I married my Torontonian partner, Peter, and began calling beautiful (but cold!) Toronto, home. 

I completed a B.Sc. in Developmental Psychology and worked in the non-profit sector for several years to support underserved communities and schools before starting my journey as a classroom teacher advocating for better opportunities and outcomes for students in historically marginalized areas. In 2016, I completed a masters program in education (M.Ed.) with a focus on equity, culturally relevant pedagogy, critical literacy, and socioemotional learning.

In my life outside of guidance work, I enjoy playing the guitar, singing, traveling, and learning new things. I am an avid bookworm and love all things related to the ocean. I am excited to continue serving the OSCA/ACOSO community this year!


Chère communauté OSCA/ACOSO, 

Je suis contente et honorée de siéger pour une deuxième année au conseil d’administration de l’OSCA/ACOSO en tant que vice-présidente du comité des communications. Auparavant, j’étais directrice au sein de l’équipe de perfectionnement professionnel. C’est ma quatrième année en orientation au niveau secondaire et ma huitième année en tant qu’enseignante titulaire de classe.

J’ai eu le privilège de travailler dans des contextes variés, à la fois publics et privés, en Amérique du Nord et à l’étranger. Avant d’épouser mon mari torontois, Peter, et de déménager à la belle (mais, enneigée !) ville de Toronto, j’ai travaillé comme enseignante dans des écoles publiques et à charte, principalement dans le centre-sud de Los Angeles.

J’ai obtenu un baccalauréat en sciences (B. Sc.) en psychologie du développement et j’ai travaillé dans le secteur à but non lucratif pendant plusieurs années pour soutenir les communautés et les écoles défavorisées. Par la suite, j’ai commencé mon parcours en tant qu’enseignante titulaire de classe et j’ai plaidoyé en faveur de meilleurs possibilités et résultats pour les élèves habitant dans des régions historiquement marginalisées. En 2016, j’ai complété un programme de maîtrise en éducation (M. Ed.) axé sur l’équité, la pédagogie culturellement pertinente, la littératie critique et l’apprentissage socioémotionnel.

Dans ma vie en dehors du travail en orientation, j’aime jouer de la guitare, chanter, voyager et apprendre de nouvelles choses. Je suis passionnée de la lecture et j’aime tout ce qui a trait à l’océan. J’ai hâte de continuer à servir la communauté OSCA/ACOSO cette année !