Featured Highlights

Dr. Rumeet Billan is an award-winning, internationally recognized entrepreneur, researcher, speaker, and expert on psychological capital. Her mission is to transform workplace cultures through research, training, and experiences that enable trust, foster belonging, and build resilience. Dr. Billan completed her PhD at the University of Toronto, and has designed and facilitated programs, courses, and training sessions across industries and sectors. Dr. Billan has been named Canada’s Top 100 Health Leaders in 2021, Canada’s Top 10 Power Women, and was twice named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the Women’s Executive Network. She is a regular guest on top radio and television morning shows, and has been featured in Forbes, The Globe and Mail, National Post, and more. Since 2004, she has contributed to social impact initiatives that improve access to and the quality of education in North America, South America, and Africa. Recently, Dr. Billan made a donation of more than 280,000 brand-new books from various publishers and authors to be distributed to children and youth in need. She continues to support causes and lead initiatives that promote human welfare. For details, visit www.rumeetbillan.com



Your organization logo and website link will be featured on the conference webpage, shared in a looped presentation throughout the day of the conference, shared in one weekly OSCA News, shared in the winter edition of our OSCA Today magazine (delivered to 1,300 members) and added to our OSCA/ACOSO website for one year. These perks are complimentary to our returning exhibitors from our 2021 conference.  A nominal fee of $100 will be required for any new exhibitors.

Exhibitor Registration is due June 30, 2022.

Please contact oscadesk@gmail.com if you have any questions or issues regarding your registration.

Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous afin d’inscrire votre organisation comme exposant à la conférence de l’OSCA/ACOSO 2022 : Regarder à l’intérieur, Grandir à l’extérieur.

Le logo de votre organisation et le lien de votre site web seront présentés sur la page web de la conférence, partagés dans une présentation qui jouera en continu tout au long de la journée de la conférence, partagés dans un numéro hebdomadaire d’Actualités OSCA/ACOSO, partagés dans l’édition hivernale de notre magazine OSCA Aujourd’hui (livré à 1300 membres) et ajoutés à notre site web de l’OSCA/ACOSO pendant un an. Ces avantages sont gratuits pour les exposants de notre conférence de l’année 2021 qui reviennent. Des frais nominaux de 100$ seront exigés pour tout nouvel exposant.

L'inscription des exposants est due le 30 juin 2022

Veuillez communiquer avec oscadesk@gmail.com pour toutes questions ou inquiétudes concernant votre inscription.

Register here!

IBU, Ontario’s first “#nextgeneration" university
International Business University®
A personalized higher-education experience in downtown Toronto. IBU BCOMM (Honours) degree can be completed in less than three years.
The innovative, industry focused curriculum is designed to give our students the practical experience, skills and knowledge to succeed. IBU’s one-on-one continuous mentoring and tutoring with classes capped at 30 students will make sure each graduate feels completely prepared for the business world. 
Learn More

"Inside Out: Looking Inside, Growing Outside”

The conference theme this year will centre around creating internal awareness to promote outward growth in our guidance practice.

All workshop submissions will receive an automatic confirmation acknowledging receipt when you submit the Call for Proposal form. Presentations should run for a minimum of 45 minutes and no longer than 60 minutes, including Q&A if required. With your submission, you are agreeing to deliver a live virtual presentation. OSCA/ACOSO reserves the right to make final presentation selections and edit abstracts.

We are looking for presentations on the following topics: Counselling Indigenous Youth, Inclusive Language for Trans and LGBTQ Youth, Diverse Learners in Skilled Trades, Counselling BIPOC Youth, Supporting Neurodiverse Students

Proposals will be accepted until May 31st, 2022.

"Inside Out : regarder à l'intérieur, grandir à l'extérieur"

Le thème de la conférence de cette année sera centré sur la sensibilisation interne pour promouvoir la croissance vers l'extérieur dans notre pratique d'orientation.

Toutes les soumissions d'ateliers recevront une confirmation automatique accusant réception lorsque vous soumettez le formulaire d'appel à propositions. Les présentations doivent durer au moins 45 minutes et pas plus de 60 minutes, y compris les questions et réponses si nécessaire. Avec votre soumission, vous acceptez de livrer une présentation virtuelle en direct. OSCA/ACOSO se réserve le droit de faire les sélections finales des présentations et d'éditer les résumés.

Nous recherchons des présentations sur les sujets suivants : counseling pour les jeunes autochtones, langage inclusif pour les jeunes trans et LGBTQ , divers apprenants dans les métiers spécialisés, counseling pour les jeunes BIPOC, soutien aux étudiants neurodivers.

Les propositions seront acceptées jusqu'au 31 mai 2022.


Fill out the proposal form here!

St. Clair College
Zebra Pen
Post Secondary Information
Ontario’s universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in fall 2022, where students can speak directly with university and student representatives.

These events are free and anyone may attend.

Les universités de l’Ontario sont très heureuses de présenter une collection d’événements virtuels et sur place à l’automne 2022, où les élèves peuvent échanger directement avec des représentantes et représentants des universités et des étudiants.

Ces événements sont gratuits et tout le monde peut s’y joindre.
Disability Credit Canada’s mission is to help disabled Canadians receive the full benefits and credits they deserve from the Canadian government. As a Disability Tax Credit & CPP Disability firm we work closely with disabled Canadian and their families and we recognize the unique challenges they face.

Disability Credit Canada is committed to helping young disabled Canadians achieve their goals in higher education or vocational training towards employment and we are proud to be offering the "DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities"

The annual scholarship winner will be awarded $1,000 towards their tuition to an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution.
The scholarship will be awarded to a Canadian high school student with a documented disability who is pursuing post-secondary education in the field of study in health care, criminal justice or community & social services at an accredited Canadian institution for the upcoming academic year 2022/2023.

Hosted by members of our Student Recruitment team, these Prospective Student webcasts will feature an overview of U of T, our three campuses, 700 academic program options, and the cornucopia of opportunities we offer outside the classroom and in the wider world. Let your students know they can register.

You can also encourage your students to sign-up for our Ask U of T Students Anything webcasts. These are a chance to connect with our U of T students directly and hear their stories.

For your junior students who are interested in learning more about U of T, our Student Recruitment team will be hosting interactive webcasts through May. Interested students can sign-up for these webcasts.

Carleton University is Up for The Challenge
Carleton University®
At Carleton University, we embrace purposeful change and empower the next generation to drive real impact in the world. We know that by challenging students to realize their academic, personal and professional potential, we are helping to shape a more promising future. Our academic programs, capital location, career focus and global possibilities provide countless opportunities for learning to happen both inside and outside of the classroom.
Learn more

AQ Part 1, Part 2 and Specialist (Part 3) courses | Summer Session July 4-29



The Ontario School Counsellors' Association offers Additional Qualification Courses in Guidance and Career Education Parts I, II and Specialist (Part III) in Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall.

OSCA's online, interactive courses are user friendly and allow real-time practice of the skills needed for the effective Guidance Teacher-Counsellor. We have a virtual classroom where we meet in real time to practice counselling skills, listen to guest speakers, and watch videos. This feature is very popular and it really makes OSCA's AQ experience prominent.

 Learn More



"I want to be a doctor," comes the familiar refrain. It won’t be the first or the last time you hear this, and it always comes with the same reasoning: "My parents recommended it." "Doctors make lots of money." "It’s a good job." "I like watching Grey’s Anatomy."

Any seasoned career guidance professional already knows how the rest of the session will go. The student will likely not be aware of the entry requirements, will not be able to tell you much about the nature of the work and will almost certainly not realize the many different types of doctor they could strive to be.

With thousands of different opportunities to pursue in medicine alone, why are teenagers still aspiring to enter such narrow fields of employment without any real understanding of what it takes to work in that industry, or if it’s even something that would give them personal fulfilment?

This problem begins much sooner than you think, and we all play a role in ensuring children today don’t face this same outcome in the future.
Does anyone at your company know how your latest employer branding campaign performed? If not, you may want to hire a marketing analyst — and you wouldn’t be alone.

Demand for marketing analysts grew faster than any other role in the first quarter of 2022, according to new LinkedIn job posting data. The number of paid job posts for marketing analysts nearly tripled (2.9x), relative to the final three months of 2021.

As springtime comes to the Northern Hemisphere, we’re refreshing our lists of the most in-demand jobs and the jobs with the fastest-growing demand. Read on for the full rankings.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems
Subscribers' Lounge

Hello OSCA / ACOSO Members!

We are very excited to announce that for the 2022-2023 school year, OSCA / ACOSO is offering a series of free workshops to our members included with your $50 membership. Don’t forget to renew your membership soon!

OSCA / ACOSO is partnering with a variety of experts and organizations to provide workshops throughout the year on a variety of topics that we feel are important for Ontario Guidance Counsellors and Careers teachers.

One session workshops will include:

  • Legal and ethical guidelines: Note taking and beyond - September, 2022
  • Benefits of College - October, 2022
  • Anti-racism in Guidance - November, 2022
  • The Future of Work - January, 2023
  • Truth and Reconciliation: Enacting Calls to Action for Guidance - February, 2023
  • Teaching Financial Literacy (Careers Teachers) - March, 2023
  • LGBTQ Inclusive Language and Support - April, 2023
  • How to prepare students for the trades - April, 2023
  • Supporting students’ mental health as they go into summer holiday - May, 2023
  • Self-Care and Brain-Care for Guidance Counsellors - January and May, 2023

We are also planning multi-session training sessions on various topics that will be advertised through the year, including workshops from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Strong Minds, Strong Kids and other sources around topics important to Guidance Counsellors.

Keep checking OSCA / ACOSO News and the OSCA / ACOSO website for announcements and registration information for these workshops.

If you have any inquiries about these workshops, please contact oscadesk@gmail.com.

Bonjour membres de l’OSCA/ACOSO!

Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que pour l’année scolaire 2022-2023, l’OSCA/ACOSO offre une série d’ateliers gratuits inclus avec votre abonnement de 50$. N’oubliez pas de renouveler votre abonnement bientôt! 

L’OSCA/ACOSO travaille en partenariat avec une variété d’experts et d’organisations pour offrir des ateliers tout au long de l’année sur une variété de sujets que nous jugeons importants pour les conseillers d’orientation et les enseignants d’exploration de carrière de l’Ontario.

Les ateliers d’une session comprendront :

  • Les lignes directrices juridiques et éthiques : La prise de notes et plus – Septembre 2022
  • Les avantages du collège – Octobre 2022
  • L’antiracisme dans le domaine de l’orientation – Novembre 2022
  • L’avenir du travail – Janvier 2023
  • La vérité et la réconciliation – Faire des appels à l’action dans le domaine de l’orientation – Février 2023
  • Enseigner la littératie financière (enseignants d’exploration de carrière) – Mars 2023
  • LGBTQ  : Langage inclusif et soutien – Avril 2023
  • Comment préparer les élèves aux métiers – Avril 2023
  • Soutenir la santé mentale des élèves alors qu’ils partent en congé d’été – May 2023
  • Les conseillers en orientation : Prendre soin de soi et de son cerveau – Janvier et mai 2023

Nous prévoyons également des sessions de formation en plusieurs sessions sur divers sujets qui seront annoncés au cours de l’année, incluant des ateliers du Réseau canadien anti-haine, d’Esprits sains enfants sains et d’autres sources sur les sujets importants pour les conseillers d’orientation.

Continuez à consulter les Actualités OSCA/ACOSO et le site web de l’OSCA/ACOSO pour les annonces et informations sur l’inscription à ces ateliers.

Veuillez communiquer avec oscadesk@gmail.com pour toutes questions sur ces ateliers.

The Ontario School Counsellors' Association has a long-standing tradition (over 40 years) of recognizing and awarding those who stand out in the field of Guidance and Career Education. OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made a significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. We can say with confidence that our past award winners have helped thousands find their pathways to successful futures! OSCA's awards are an excellent way of recognizing your most dedicated peers.
Theme: Inside Out: Looking Inside, Growing Outside!

When: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Where: Virtual conference

Stay tuned for the keynote announcement, call for workshop proposals and conference partners!