Featured Highlights
On Wednesday, May 25 at 1:00 PM EDT, join expert analysts from Future Design School and unpack emerging education trends analyzed in The Future of Education Report 2022, including:
- Developing and measuring critical competencies
- Creating a future ready Portrait of a Graduate
- Implementing personalized inquiry and individualized progression
- Rethinking assessment

During this exclusive webinar, OSCA members will gain access to exclusive research and insights on how schools are shifting to address the skills gap, and explore inspiring case studies from around the world.

Le mercredi 25 mai à 13h00 EDT, rejoignez des analystes experts de Future Design School pour explorer des tendances émergentes en éducation analysées dans le rapport sur l’avenir de l’éducation 2022, incluant:
- Développer et mesurer les compétences critiques
- Créer un profil de gradué prêt pour l’avenir
- Mettre en œuvre l’enquête personnalisée et la progression individualisée
- Repenser l’évaluation

Au cours de ce webinaire exclusif, les membres de l’OSCA/ACOSO auront accès à des recherches exclusives et à des informations sur comment adresser les écarts académiques et explorerons des études de cas inspirantes du monde entier.
OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathway Awards' mandate is to assist at-risk students in their journey towards success. One of the most important ways this is accomplished is by providing the OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathways Awards to at-risk students who have demonstrated the exemplary ability to succeed in the face of adversity. $500.00 awards are presented to students who, in their postsecondary pursuits, are taking a pathway to apprenticeship, college, university or workplace.
The Ontario School Counsellors' Association has a long-standing tradition (over 40 years) of recognizing and awarding those who stand out in the field of Guidance and Career Education. OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made a significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. We can say with confidence that our past award winners have helped thousands find their pathways to successful futures! OSCA's awards are an excellent way of recognizing your most dedicated peers.
IBU, Ontario’s first “#nextgeneration" university
International Business University®
A personalized higher-education experience in downtown Toronto. IBU BCOMM (Honours) degree can be completed in less than three years.
The innovative, industry focused curriculum is designed to give our students the practical experience, skills and knowledge to succeed. IBU’s one-on-one continuous mentoring and tutoring with classes capped at 30 students will make sure each graduate feels completely prepared for the business world. 
Learn More

Worried about students falling prey to hate groups?  Rhetoric on Social Media that polarizes youth?  False information being accepted as truth?

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, in partnership with OSCA, is offering our members a workshop that will help us recognize and address hate ideologies and the pathways used for grooming and recruiting young people. This workshop will address signs, symbols and memes of hate movements, how to address common scenarios and defenses of students involved in these groups, and how to counter the rhetoric and prevent recruitment.

SAVE THE DATES: April 27th and May 4th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

This workshop is designed and will be run by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, an independent, nonprofit organization made up of Canada''s leading experts and researchers on hate groups and hate crimes. 

This workshop will be supported by a practical toolkit, provided to each attendee, along with one year of aftercare, in which CAN will answer questions and provide support for educators and staff dealing with incidents.

This workshop is free and is limited to 40 participants. Spots will be first come, first served.  Sign up today!

"Students are often the first witnesses, and first responders to, hate group activity amongst their peers, and it''s up to educators and the community to understand and centre those experiences. There is a knowledge gap that must be addressed among educators and parents so that they can identify telltale  signs of hate grooming themselves -- and recognize the gravity of the situation when a student  approaches them to talk about at-risk classmates, or perceived threats to themselves or their peers. " CAN

Learn more here!

Craignez-vous que les élèves deviennent la proie de groupes haineux? ?tes-vous inquiets de la rhétorique sur les médias sociaux qui polarise les jeunes? De la fausse information qui est acceptée comme vérité?

Le Réseau canadien anti-haine (RCA), en partenariat avec l''OSCA/ACOSO, offre à nos membres un atelier qui nous aidera à reconnaître et adresser les idéologies haineuses et les voies utilisées pour former et recruter des jeunes. Cet atelier adressera les signes, les symboles et les mèmes des mouvements de haine, comment aborder les scénarios courants et les défenses des élèves impliqués dans ces groupes, ainsi que comment contrer la rhétorique et empêcher le recrutement.

RÉSERVEZ LES DATES: Le 27 avril et le 4 mai de 19h00 à 20h30

Cet atelier est conçu par et sera animé par le Réseau canadien anti-haine, un organisme indépendant à but non lucratif qui est composé des meilleurs experts et chercheurs du Canada en matière de groupes et crimes haineux.

Cet atelier inclura une trousse d''outils pratiques qui sera fournie à chaque participant ainsi qu''un an de suivi, au cours duquel le RCA répondra aux questions et fournira un soutien aux éducateurs et au personnel traitant des incidents. 

L''atelier est gratuit et limité à 40 participants. Les places seront attribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd''hui!

« Les élèves sont souvent les premiers témoins et les premiers intervenants des activités des groupes haineux parmi leurs pairs. C''est aux éducateurs et à la communauté de comprendre et de centrer ces expériences. Il existe un manque de connaissances qui doit être comblé parmi les éducateurs et les parents afin qu''ils puissent eux-mêmes identifier les premiers signes révélateurs menant à la haine ? et reconnaître la gravité de la situation lorsqu''un élève leur approche pour parler de camarades de classe à risque ou de menaces perçues envers eux-mêmes ou leurs pairs. » RCA (traduit de l''anglais)

En savoir plus ici!

St. Clair College
Zebra Pen
Post Secondary Information

Today, we’re sharing that the Committee of Presidents (CoP) for Ontario’s public colleges has approved an adjustment to the college domestic application fee ahead of the next application cycle. Effective Saturday, April 30, 2022, the fee will be updated from $95 to $110.  

This marks the first update to the application processing fee since 2008, a period of 14 years. 

Why is This Change Occurring? 

Updating the domestic application fee will facilitate the continued support of learners, colleges, and ecosystem partners through collaborative exploration of innovative solutions.  

Areas of focus include: 

  • Enhancements to the domestic application learner experience, making applying to college easier than ever before 
  • Technology updates designed to ensure the domestic application remains dependable and secure 
  • Continuous delivery of system-wide data reporting that provides colleges with valuable insights about applicants’ desires for a college education 
  • Responsive learner support solutions based on evolving college and learner needs 

What’s Next? 

The date for implementing the application fee increase (April 30, 2022) was specifically chosen as a less active application period, minimizing the impact to individuals with in-flight applications (who will be notified in advance of the change).  

In addition, all application fee vouchers purchased for $95 before April 30, 2022, but used afterwards, will be valued at $110. Organizations can also secure bulk volumes at the current rate of $95 until June 30, 2022, should they desire to do so. Starting July 1, 2022, all vouchers will cost $110.  

Contact Us 

Should you have questions or would like to discuss this announcement further, please contact us.  

Registration is now available for the spring 2022 virtual Guidance Dialogue on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm.

Event Schedule

9 am-11 am: OUAC, Recruitment and University Updates
11:00 am-12:30 pm: Chat with University and OUAC Representatives

Registration is required. This event is for guidance counsellors only. Please do not share the registration link with your students.

Please send all event inquiries to: onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

L’inscription à la séance virtuelle des Dialogues du printemps 2022 – laquelle est prévue le mardi 26 avril 2022 – est maintenant accessible.

Horaire de l'événement

De 9 h à 11 h : Mises à jour de l’OUAC, de recrutement et des universités
De 11 h 00 à 12 h 30 : Clavardage avec les représentant(e)s des universités et de l’OUAC

L’inscription est obligatoire. Cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation. Prière de ne pas partager le lien vers le site d’inscription avec vos élèves.

Prière d’envoyer vos questions relativement à l’événement, à l’adresse : onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

We are conducting a survey about our main OUAC website to help us redesign it. The main goal of this website is to direct students to the OUAC application and guide them through the Ontario university application process.

Nous menons un sondage au sujet du site Web principal de l’OUAC afin de nous aider à réorganiser ce dernier. Ce site vise principalement à orienter les élèves vers la demande OUAC et à les guider tout au long du processus de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario.
The Autism CanTech! Program is a national, federally funded program for autistic youth between the ages of 18-30, where participants will develop the skills and strategies that they need to work effectively within the digital economy. This is achieved through a four-month preparatory course, two months of paid work experience, and access to a range of additional support.

Participants work in a small class environment to develop job-specific skills such as data processing, data management, software literacy, communication , and teamwork. In addition, attention is given to career exploration and job search skills.
The Plumbing/Welding Pre-Apprenticeship Program at Humber College is a tuition-free program (funded by the Government of Ontario) that is designed to help youth (ages 18-29) transition to an apprenticeship in the trade of Plumbing. This program seeks to address the barriers faced by participants who have tried to enter an apprenticeship but encountered issues around a lack of experience.

As a participant, you will receive Level 1 plumber apprenticeship training as well as exposure to the trade of Welding. It will provide you with the academic and practical experience required to succeed in the skilled trades. The program includes a paid work placement of 8 to 12 weeks (dependent on employer).

Concours d'art oratoire scholarships

All Ontario Grade 11-12 FSL students can prepare a speech on a topic of their choice, record it, and submit their video in MP4 format to Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). 

All the registration information, the process, rules, and documents that students need to provide are on our website hereThe winning students will win amazing scholarships from 3 post-secondary institutions!

If students are looking for inspiration, they could check out last year's winners at the bottom of this web page: https://on.cpf.ca/en/ concours-dart-oratoire/

In June, the Provincial winners will move on to compete at the Nationals. See more about the national scholarships here.


Guide your students to SUCCESS

Are your students looking for an exciting career in a green industry? Have they considered the landscaping and horticulture profession?

One of the best pathways to kick-start a career in landscaping and horticulture is the Horticultural Technician Apprenticeship 441C Program.

Becoming a Horticultural Technician apprentice is a great fit for individuals who like to:

  • Grow, design, install and maintain green infrastructure.
  • Be creative and solve problems.
  • Work with plants outdoors and indoors.

From Day One apprentices earn a pay cheque, gain workplace experience, learn from experienced trainers and instructors, and are well on their way to a post-secondary Certificate and a Red Seal Journeyperson designation.

Join us for one of our free information sessions to learn more about the program and how you can recommend apprenticeship as a career path.



Discover the many exciting career paths in the landscape and horticulture profession and find out which path is right for you via an online quiz.

Drawing on our daily field work around the globe in K-12, Higher Ed and Industry, our Future of Education Reports offer thoughtful analysis and expert insight. Dig into the key trends reshaping the education landscape and futurecast your internal possibilities.

Carleton University is Up for The Challenge
Carleton University®
At Carleton University, we embrace purposeful change and empower the next generation to drive real impact in the world. We know that by challenging students to realize their academic, personal and professional potential, we are helping to shape a more promising future. Our academic programs, capital location, career focus and global possibilities provide countless opportunities for learning to happen both inside and outside of the classroom.
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Samantha Nuttall is the neurodivergent founder of "The Neurodivergent Coach", a careers advisory service that empowers neurodivergent people to design careers built upon their unique strengths, abilities and interests. Here, she shares why traditional careers advice doesn't work for neurodivergent people and how she aims to solve this problem.
Are you interested in learning about the practice and profession of Horticulture Therapy (HT)? In this full-day workshop, join registered Horticulture Therapist Felicity Lukace to understand how plants, horticultural activities, and nature are vital components which improve well-being and quality of life. You will develop and awareness of the unique benefits of HT programs while learning about program offerings, starting a therapeutic garden program, and implementing HT activities tailored to a variety of specific needs.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems
Subscribers' Lounge

AQ Part 1, Part 2 and Specialist (Part 3) courses ? Summer Session- July 4-29



The Ontario School Counsellors' Association offers Additional  Qualification Courses in Guidance and Career Education Parts I, II and Specialist (Part III) in Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall.

OSCA's online, interactive courses are user friendly and allow real-time practice of the skills needed for the effective Guidance Teacher-Counsellor. We have a virtual classroom where we meet in real time to practice counselling skills, listen to guest speakers, and watch videos. This feature is very popular and it really makes OSCA''s AQ experience prominent.

 Learn More



Theme: Inside Out: Looking Inside, Growing Outside!

When: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Where: Virtual conference

Stay tuned for the keynote announcement, call for workshop proposals and conference partners!