Featured Highlights
Suicide is a leading cause of death in children and youth across North America, and the increased stress and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has likely done nothing but exacerbate this already global issue. Psychologists and other mental health professionals across North America, are asking themselves "What are the best-practices for assessment of suicide risk in children and youth?" And, "How can these approaches be translated into a tele-assessment delivery?"
The Ontario School Counsellors' Association has a long standing tradition (over 40 years) of recognizing and awarding those who stand out in the field of Guidance and Career Education. OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made a significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. We can say with confidence that our past award winners have helped thousands find their pathways to successful futures! OSCA's awards are an excellent way of recognizing your most dedicated peers.
The University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) is committed to inclusion and providing access to Black students in their pursuit of a post-secondary education. As an institution, we are dedicated to dismantling barriers that hold anyone from reaching their full potential; as well, we strive to provide all students with equal and equitable opportunities to ensure they thrive at UTM.
The Black Access to Educational Excellence Initiative provides prospective Black high school students with supports at UTM to assist them in their university decision-making process. Prospective Black students will be personally introduced to current UTM Black students, faculty, and a robust network of resources, dedicated to continually supporting them throughout their post-secondary studies.

The OSCA Board of Directors needs you to ensure the ongoing work of the association. We will ask you, OSCA members, to vote on the following motion during our AGM on December 5, 2020 through a Google Form. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the motion, please forward to the Governance Committee care of Marie Moftah, zoologyalex@gmail.comgmail.com or Kim Enns-Hildebrand ennshik@gmail.com by Wednesday december 2, 2020.


To change the qualifications required for applying to the Board of Directors:

As a Director to be as follows: have achieved at least Part 1 - Guidance and Career Education and at least one year of experience in Guidance and Career Education. 

For a Board of Directors Executive position, the candidate must have Guidance Specialist qualifications plus currently be working in Guidance and Career Education.  
Would you please also add this note on top of the newsletter starting on october 28 and weekly until december 5, 2020?


The OSCA/ACOSO Board of Directors Needs You! 

Are you a person who wants to be involved in the future of guidance in Ontario? Perhaps you are a person who likes volunteerism and teamwork. Please consider becoming a member of the OSCA/ACOSO Board of Directors for 2021-2022. Several of the board members have terms that expire this year which means that there are several positions available for new members. For more information please visit our website. You will also need to attend the AGM on Saturday, December 5 at 10 am.

Degrees with Hands-on Experience, Theory and Co-op
Take the hands-on learning of a college, add the theoretical style of a university, mix it with real-life experience, and you have an Algonquin College’s Bachelor's degree with a paid co-op placement. Algonquin College offers a variety of Honours Bachelor's degrees with Co-op ranging from commerce to robotics, building science to interior design – so there’s something for everyone.
Learn More
An accessible, content-rich and value-packed opportunity for Canada’s career development communities to convene, share and learn. Over 150 sessions on Supporting clients through the pandemic, Effective counselling & facilitation techniques, Career assessments, Labour market information, Working with diverse populations, Mental health & resilience, Youth employment, Talent management & leadership development, Online tools & technologies, Workforce & community economic development.

Une occasion accessible, riche en contenu et en valeur aux communautés spécialisées en développement de carrière du Canada pour qu’elles puissent se réunir, échanger et apprendre. Plus de 150 séances de formation : Soutien des clients pendant la pandémie, Counseling efficace et techniques d’animation, Information sur le marché du travail, Évaluation relative à la carrière, Travail avec des populations et clientèles variées, Santé mentale et résilience, Emploi des jeunes, Gestion du talent et développement du leadership, Outils et technologies numériques, Main-d’œuvre et développement économique communautaire.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Let's Talk Science
Post Secondary Information
Black and First Generation students can be met with educational barriers in the pursuit of a post-secondary education, particularly university. As a parent or guardian, how can you best support your high school student along their academic journey when the process may be unfamiliar, or you are a few years removed? Join us at the University of Toronto Mississauga to learn more about the variety of post-secondary educational options, how to prepare for a university education, the application process, finances, and your role in your student's pursuit of higher education.
This year's fair is virtual! We are excited to deliver a fully interactive, online experience. Create your own avatar and navigate the virtual event, speaking with college faculty and staff.

Everything you need to learn about college in one place!
Over the fall semester, join us online to hear from Ryerson community members delivering content across a range of topics. Tune in for mock-lecture, professional development opportunities and more!

Thursday, November 26, 2 - 3 p.m.
Tuesday, December 8, 2 - 3 p.m.
Further details including registration can be found at the link below - we look forward to seeing you online!
30% of Seat Reserved for Qualified Women
We Saved You a Seat is a project at Algonquin College which aims to attract more women to programs in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). As part of this initiative, the College aims to establish learning environments where women can develop their talents; attract women to non-traditional careers; and provide students with financial incentives.
Learn more
The winter issue of OSCA Today is themed, "We Got This!" Our schools look and feel different. Our students, although optimistic, feel uncertain. Our day-to-day routine as educators has been disrupted and we have been forced to become creative and adapt in unfamiliar territory. And yet, we are managing. We got this! For the next issue of OSCA Today, the OSCA Board is seeking out OSCA members to share their experiences in the Guidance Office, the classroom, in the Board office or a post secondary institution. How are you navigating through a school year like no other? Share your tips for mental health and well-being. Have you experienced any silver linings within this ongoing crisis? Reach out to us so we can create a space for you in our next issue! New contributions are welcome. Contributions can be submitted in French, English or both languages. Please send your proposal, outlining your topic area to oscadesk@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Centennial College
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems

CPA Ontario is offering resources and programs to support students, educators, and parents with developing in-demand skills and exploring career options in all areas of business from accounting to marketing.

There is something for everyone!

Welcome to the Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource!
Educators have a very important role to play in promoting mental health and well-being at school. This resource is designed to support elementary educators (K-8) in this role by offering a repository of high-quality everyday mental health practices that can be easily incorporated into classroom routines. It is the result of a collaboration between the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and School Mental Health ASSIST, with evidence/review support from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Provincial System Support Program. The Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource has been informed by evidence and co-created with practicing educators to ensure that it will meet the needs of busy educators.

Learn about mental health in schools and how to find school supports for students in Ontario.

Extended school closures due to COVID-19 resulted in a sense of collective loss. That has including loss of routines, relationships, learning, opportunities for socialization and employment. All have heightened feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety, affecting our overall mental health and well-being.
The countdown to Treaties Recognition Week begins!
Between November 1-7, 2020, Ontarians across the province will *virtually* come together to learn about the importance of treaties and how they continue to shape the province today.

Use this tool kit as your one-stop resource for information on all Treaties Recognition Week virtual Living Library events and resources.

We hope you’ll also join the conversation happening across Ontario by using #TreatyON when you post about Treaties Recognition Week – and follow the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs on Twitter and Facebook for updates throughout the week.

And while things might look a little different this year, you won’t want to miss new learning opportunities and offerings.
Are you planning to launch an online classroom? Awesome. Online learning allows students to engage with multimedia content and interact with their classmates at whatever time is convenient for them. However, the process of getting started with setting up a virtual classroom can feel daunting. What Learning Management System and Apps should you use? How many instructional materials should you assign? How do you make learning fun and engaging? And even after your course is online, how do you create opportunities for interaction between you and your students?
The FOLD Foundation presents Decolonizing Education: a panel on restorative justice in schools. Featuring Dwanna Nicole, Christianne Paras, Udoro Gatewood, and Jermaine Williams. Moderated by Skye Bowen.

Canada Career Month 2020


Canada Career Month 2020 website is now live.

Canada Career Month 2020: 
The tagline for 2020 is "On The Move," with a focus on resiliency in our lives and careers.

The CCM website is designed to assist groups or individuals with :

  • Showcasing their events; accessing resources plus infographics and videos; sharing their career stories, and more! 
  • There's also interesting articles including one by Sareera Hopkins discussing the mindset of "positive uncertainty," which is what education is all about!

For Social Media, the following may be useful:

Hashtags (English and French)

Career Month Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/careermonth
Instagram: https:instagram.com/careermonth
LinkedIn: https:www.linkedin.com/showcase/canada-career-month
CCM website: https://careermonth.ca/

Subscribers' Lounge

Fall Session: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 -to- Tuesday, December 15, 2020 
Register for the Fall Session here!

Winter Session: Monday, January 11, 2021 -to- Monday, March 8, 2021  
Register for the Winter Session here!

Cost: $650

Over 62 nominations were received. Thank you all for your meaningful and moving contributions. The Governance Committee has completed their voting process, and the nominees listed below received an email letting them know they won the awards.

One thing is clear: Our students are strong and resilient, hard-working and determined. Some of the nominations were difficult to read, as stories of hardship and perseverance were shared with us. If we could, we would have selected them all.

The recipients of the 2020 OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathway Awards are:

Rosemary Cameros Arbizu: University Pathway
Anusha Nimalaranjan: College Pathway
Maggie Benusik: Apprenticeship Pathway
Jackie Mitsima: Workplace Pathway
Upcoming Events
Oct 2020
Thursdays, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
October 15-December 10
Oct 2020
12:30 to 3:30 Eastern time
Oct 2020
6:30 - 7:30 PM
Nov 2020
November 4th: 4PM to 8PM
November 5th: 9AM to 1PM
Nov 2020
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Nov 2020
9:00am to 12:00pm (Mountain Time)
Nov 2020
6:00 - 8:00 PM