Featured Highlights
Telehealth has long been utilized to provide medical services (both consultation and treatment) especially in remote geographical areas. Telehealth resources can support interactions when therapists cannot travel to children, youth and families or it is unsafe to do so.

Participants in this web-based course will hear from therapists who have experience using digital tools in mental health service provision.
OSCA recognizes that the transfer to online learning for both educators and students has been a challenge for some. We recognize that educators are putting in more time online and also have other responsibilities. As such, OSCA has decided to move the start date to May 4, 2020 and complete the course by June 30th. (submitting assignments after this date is flexible). We hope that this time frame will still work for you and look forward to learning together. Please encourage your colleagues to register. This course is entirely online using an interactive classroom environment, complete with guest speakers and an instructor who is a current Guidance Counsellor in Ontario. To register, please follow the link.

L’ACOSO reconnaît que le transfert vers l’apprentissage électronique pour les éducateurs et pour les élèves a été un grand défi pour certains. Les enseignants investissent beaucoup plus de temps en ligne et ont, en même temps, d’autres responsabilités. Pour cela, L’ACSO a décidé de modifier la date de début au 4 mai 2020 et de terminer le cours le 30 juin 2020. (La soumission des travaux après cette date est flexible). Nous souhaitons que ce cadre de temps continuera à vous accommoder et nous avons hâte de poursuivre notre apprentissage avec vous. Prière d’encourager vos collègues à postuler. Ce cours est entièrement en ligne et utilise un environnement de classe interactif, complété par des conférenciers invités et un instructeur qui est un actuel conseiller en orientation en Ontario. Pour vous enregistrer, prière de visiter le lien.

2020 OSCA/ACOSO Student Awards

Awards are now open for nominations!
Deadline is May 29th.

OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathway Awards' mandate is to assist at-risk students in their journey towards success. An award is given to at-risk students who have demonstrated the exemplary ability to succeed in the face of adversity. $100.00 awards are presented to students who, in their postsecondary pursuits, are taking a pathway to apprenticeship, college, university or work.

Nominated students must be graduating/or have graduated from an accredited public secondary, Catholic secondary, or inspected private secondary school, including First Nations, in the province of Ontario in the previous school year.

Students must be nominated by a classroom teacher, a Student Success Teacher, a Co-OP Teacher, a Tech teacher, or a Guidance Counsellor. (All teachers cannot be the student's parent.) The nominator does not have to be a member of OSCA.

In order to be nominated, a student must fulfill one or more of the following criteria:

The student succeeded in school despite having to overcome personal obstacles.
The student succeeded in school despite having to cope with bullying and/or violence.
The student succeeded in school despite being socio-economically disadvantaged.
The student succeeded in school despite having to manage a mental health issue.
The student succeeded in school despite having to overcome academic challenges.

Nomination Form

OSCA/ACOSO Guidance and Career Education Awards 2020

Awards are now open for nominations!
Deadline is May 29th.

Curriculum and Resources

**The Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to the career development of young people through the creation, development and delivery of high quality Guidance and Career Education Resources.

Counsellor Professional Development

**The Russ Seltzer Award for Contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario - presented to honour contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario, including teaching Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualification courses.

**The Howard R. Beattie Award for Contribution to Counsellor Professional Development - presented to a counsellor who has created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and the organization of a conference or guidance professional development activities.

Elementary Guidance

**The Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to elementary guidance in Ontario.

Peer Helping

**The Daryl L. Cook Peer Helping Award - presented to one elementary and/or one secondary school in Ontario in recognition of its exemplary peer helping program.

Contribution to Guidance and Career Education

**The Career/LifeSkills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to career development. This award is presented by Career/Lifeskills Resources (www.career-lifeskills.com).

**The Certificate of Appreciation - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario by individuals/groups who are community partners.

**The Phil Hedges Award - presented to recognize the contributions to Guidance and Career Education by dedicated counsellors in the Province of Ontario. An award will be given to one qualifying nominee from each of the six educational regions in the province, or up to a maximum of six qualifying nominees from across the province. **Please refer to http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/offices.html to determine which region each school board is included in.

**The Morgan D. Parmenter Memorial Award - presented to recognizes a person who has made a most significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario.

Nomination Form

Degrees with Hands-on Experience, Theory and Co-op
Take the hands-on learning of a college, add the theoretical style of a university, mix it with real-life experience, and you have an Algonquin College’s Bachelor's degree with a paid co-op placement. Algonquin College offers a variety of Honours Bachelor's degrees with Co-op ranging from commerce to robotics, building science to interior design – so there’s something for everyone.
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We hope that you, your families and colleagues are safe and healthy.

Planning for the Cannexus National Career Development Conference, in January 2021, remains underway at this point with all necessary precautions and contingencies. At this point, CERIC invites individuals or organizations with an interest in presenting at Cannexus21 to submit a proposal.
This event will host three days of live-stream expert presentations for students and families and a concurrent virtual college fair with fully interactive booths. Students can chat live with college admissions representatives, helping to find fit.

In this issue / Dans ce numéro :
- A Message from Ian Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario / Un message de Ian Howcroft, directeur général de Compétences Ontario
- #SkillsAtHome: Virtual Engagement Opportunities from Skills Ontario / #Compétencesàlamaison : Possibilités d’engagement « virtuel » de Compétences Ontario
- Sponsor Feature: CLAC / Pleins feux sur un commanditaire : CLAC
- Extra, Extra! Skills Ontario in the News / Compétences Ontario fait la manchette
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Study Across The Pond
Post Secondary Information
Many colleges have multiple intakes so a deferral from a program that starts in September can mean deferring to January or May. Students don’t have to wait a full year. These intake changes can be completed on the student’s application at www.ontariocolleges.ca or the applicant can contact the college’s admissions offices.

Colleges are committed to supporting students in applying for the following year with a voucher or other methods to ensure that the student can be considered. For high-demand programs, students will be considered equally when they apply by February 1st. Please have applicants connect with the college that they wish to attend to discuss their options in deferring to the next year.
Georgian College has provided a Virtual Tour for prospective students. Please follow the link below to take the virtual tour of the Barrie Campus.

As we’re starting to settle into a new daily routine of constant change, we recognize that many students are likely feeling additional stress over their university applications.

Although we continue to communicate directly with students, we thought it was important to also reach out to you so that you’re aware of what actions we're taking at the University of Waterloo...
Ontario’s universities are pleased to offer a free, virtual session on Wednesday, May 13, from 9:00 am-10:30 am, in place of the cancelled spring 2020 Guidance Dialogues. This session will provide an overview on admission and recruitment, specifically for the Ontario guidance community.?

Les universités de l’Ontario sont heureuses d’offrir une séance virtuelle gratuite, le mercredi 13 mai, de 9 h à 10 h 30, en lieu et place des Dialogues de 2020 pour conseillères et conseillers en orientation, qui devaient être annulés. Cette séance fournira un survol des admissions et du recrutement visant spécifiquement les conseillères et conseillers en orientation de l’Ontario.

We understand this is a difficult time for students and schools across Canada and around the world. With school closures, exam delays, and event cancellations, we are all wrestling with shifting timelines and a great deal of uncertainty about how and when normal life may resume.
A note from Carly Joy Glantz, National Recruitment Advisor (acting):
I wanted to take this opportunity to say a warm hello from myself and the entire Carleton community during these unprecedented times! I hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you are continuing to do to support your students and help us all get through this challenging time. I am always here if you have any questions or concerns regarding Carleton University and our students (or if you want to have a zoom coffee chat!).
Thank you for the incredible work you do. In an effort to provide information you may need now, this update includes FAQs to support questions you may receive. While our offices have shifted online, we have been hard at work developing and launching resources for you and your students.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions or require additional information.
Paragon Testing Enterprises
Study Across The Pond

Education in the Pandemic ? A National Scan
Canada-wide Education & COVID Tracker

People for Education is keeping track of the differences in educational policy and approaches across the country during the pandemic.

The Canada-wide Education during COVID-19 Tracker will provide an opportunity to understand more about the successes, challenges and evolution of each region''s response.  If you know of updates for your province, please email info@peopleforeducation.ca.

Canada-wide Education & COVID Tracker (click here)

OSCA's very own Julie Fantino has created a YouTube video series: welcome to Guidance Corner!

Welcome to the first episode of Guidance Corner! During this unusual time of COVID-19 and physical distancing, we can continue to have Guidance lessons on my channel. Hope to see all of you super soon.
- Mrs. Fantinato, Guidance Teacher-Counsellor
Over the past few weeks, Let’s Talk Science has been hard at work adapting our programming delivery approach to meet the needs of educators, caregivers and youth.

We wanted to share some of the highlights of the programming (English and French) now available on-line and encourage you to share it with members of the Ontario School Counsellors' Association, or other educators and your communities (caregivers, parents and youth).
The 2020 Ontario Universities' Guidance Dialogues Resource Guide is now available on the Guidance website.

The Resource Guide contains contact information, admission requirements, residence and scholarship details and other helpful information from Ontario universities.

Note: This document was compiled before the COVID-19 pandemic. Dates and processes may be subject to change. Contact the universities directly for the most up-to-date information.
Current times come with a lot of uncertainty, including for many students we work with and who might feel uncertain on when and how they will get back to their educational paths. CERIC is offering two upcoming free webinars with presenters who will bring their perspectives and ideas to explore what potential options students may have and how we can support them as career practitioners.

Online Gathering for Educators & Helping Professionals

Click here to register

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Upcoming Events
May 2020
Nominations for both students and counsellors.