Featured Highlights

Please visit the OSCA/ACOSO website for details and to submit your workshop proposal. The deadline for proposals is April 30, 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you!



Summer Session: July 3-31, 2024

OSCA-ACOSO is pleased to announce that they will continue to offer Part 1, Part 2 and the Specialist in Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualifications courses this summer. Additional sessions will take place in the fall and winter. Advantages of taking the course with OSCA are the instructor is a current guidance teacher-counsellor, a one year OSCA subscription is included ($55 value if currently not active) and a downloaded copy of Ethical Guidelines ($25) is included. As part of the OSCA subscription, participants have the opportunity to attend the fall conference at a member rate, gain access to webinars throughout the year on topics related to guidance and career education, receive the weekly OSCA News to keep up to date with guidance/career topics, and receive the tri-annual OSCA Today, the professional magazine of the association.

Cost: $675 plus HST.

To register: www.osca.ca --> Next AQ course

Registration closes Wednesday, June 19 at 11:55 pm. This is a FIRM deadline.  

Registration, payment and teaching experience forms (Part 2 and Specialist) are all due no later than Wednesday, June 19.  

Please register early to reserve your seat!

Celebrate OSCA’s 60th Anniversary by joining us at our two day Conference November 3 and 4, 2024. We are preparing our guidance teacher-counsellors, teachers and youth for the future age of skilled trades, digital learning/jobs, and artificial intelligence with focused workshops and keynotes. A gala banquet and awards ceremony with entertainment is sure to be a hit! Visit our website for more information and to register for these limited spots!

Susi Dupuis - OSCA/ACOSO Past President, 2024

After an enriching 33-year career in education, I have been fortunate to retire this past June.  Privileged to have been part of the OSCA/ACOSO Executive Board for three years, I have also been able to sustain my involvement as Past President for this year.  

My education journey began as a newly certified teacher in the Muskokas jumping full-force into the elementary system for eight years. I entered the secondary system following a move back home to Stoney Point and remained at the high school level for the next 22 years. Finally, I gained recognition within the Lambton-Kent District School Board for the final three years of my career, initially as the SHSM Board Lead moving to the Secondary Program Pathways Consultant and OYAP Co-ordinator.  Experiences of leadership have been expansive from school to board, provincial to national; very few of which were ever "part of the plan," or known to me when I first started my career as an educator.

Truth be known that retirement keeps one as busy as they so choose. OSCA/ACOSO Past President tasks keep me connected to the world of education. My daughters have both been on maternity leave, as they have blessed our family with two beautiful grandsons whereby I have gained the title of "Nonna.” I willingly and sincerely serve my parish as the Catholic Women’s League President and the Liturgical Music Director.  I have built stronger relationships with family and close friends, and focused on my physical and mental well-being. All is good with me, which makes me good for others!  

I look forward to seeing many of you at OSCA/ACOSO’s 60th Anniversary Conference in November - Embrace the Change: The Future is Now!


Susi Dupuis – Présidente sortante de l’OSCA/ACOSO, 2024

À la suite d’une carrière enrichissante de 33 ans dans le domaine de l’éducation, j’ai eu la chance de prendre ma retraite en juin dernier. J’ai eu le privilège de faire partie du conseil d’administration de l’OSCA/ACOSO pendant trois ans et, heureusement, j’ai pu maintenir mon implication en tant que présidente sortante cette année.

Mon parcours dans le monde de l’éducation a débuté alors que j’étais enseignante nouvellement certifiée dans la région de Muskoka, où je me suis plongée dans le système élémentaire pendant huit ans. Je suis entrée au palier secondaire après avoir déménagé à Stoney Point et je suis restée à ce niveau pendant les vingt-deux années suivantes. Finalement, je me suis démarquée au sein du Lambton Kent District School Board (Conseil scolaire du district de Lambton Kent) au cours des trois dernières années de ma carrière. D’abord, j’ai été responsable du programme MHS pour le conseil, puis conseillère en planification de parcours et coordonnatrice du PAJO. Mon expérience en leadership s’est étendue de l’école au conseil scolaire et du provincial au national. Ces expériences ne faisaient pas nécessairement partie de mon plan personnel et je n’en connaissais très peu à leur sujet quand j’ai commencé ma carrière en éducation.

À vrai dire, la retraite peut nous tenir aussi occupé qu’on le souhaite. Mes tâches en tant que présidente sortante de l’OSCA/ACOSO me permettent de maintenir un lien avec le monde de l’éducation. Mes filles sont toutes les deux en congé de maternité. Grâce à elles, nous avons accueilli au sein de la famille deux magnifiques petits-fils et je suis devenue « Nonna ». Je sers ma paroisse de bon gré et de tout cœur en tant que présidente de la Ligue des femmes catholiques et directrice de la musique liturgique. J’ai développé des relations plus solides avec ma famille et mes amis proches et je me suis concentrée sur mon bien-être physique et mental. Je suis bienveillante envers moi-même, ce qui me permet d’être bienveillante envers les autres !

J’ai hâte de vous voir nombreux à la conférence du 60e anniversaire de l’OSCA/ACOSO en novembre – Accueillir le changement : L’avenir, c’est maintenant !

Now is the time to nominate a deserving colleague for an OSCA award. Perhaps it is that person who has created a great resource that has allowed students to create their own pathway? Maybe you know a guidance counsellor who is the go-to person at your school? Perhaps a deserving community partner that provides excellent support for your school?

You have until September 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM to nominate someone, but why not do it now?

Chacun et chacune de nous connaît un collègue innovateur, qui accomplit avec enthousiasme son travail auprès des élèves de son école. Pourquoi ne pas reconnaître leur contribution à notre profession en posant leur candidature à l'un des prix de l'ACOSO? Pour poser la candidature de quelqu'un, appuyez sur le lien de la mise en candidature. Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être soumises en ligne d'ici le 26 septembre 2024 à 4h.


The Career/LifeSkills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education | Le prix des ressources en Carrière/Compétences de vie pour l’Excellence en formation en cheminement de carrière

This award is presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to career development. This award is presented by Career/Lifeskills Resources (www.career-lifeskills.com).

résenté par Career/Lifeskills Resources (www.career-lifeskills.com) en reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle au développement de carrière.  

The Student Awards Nominations are here! Please nominate a deserving student today within the five Post Graduate Pathways:

  • Apprenticeship,
  • College,
  • Community Living,
  • University,
  • Workplace. 

Details can be found on the nomination form

The link is live on the OSCA website and you can access the nomination form through it. The nominations will close on May 6, 2024, so nominate a student today!

Les candidatures aux prix étudiants sont maintenant ouvertes ! Veuillez nommer dès aujourd'hui un élève méritant qui entreprend l'un des cinq parcours postsecondaires suivants :

  • Apprentissage,
  • Collège,
  • Intégration communautaire,
  • Université,
  • Monde du travail. 

Vous pouvez trouver les détails dans le formulaire de candidature

Le lien est disponible à partir du site web de l'OSCA/ACOSO et vous pouvez accéder au formulaire de candidature via celui-ci. Les candidatures se clôtureront le 6 mai 2024, alors nommez un élève dès aujourd'hui !

Your Students Belong Here
Centennial College®
Over the past 55 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution. We have established a unique position in the marketplace locally and around the world – work we are confident has led to our #1 ranking in the Greater Toronto Area for graduate satisfaction. Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of services and supports to ensure students will not only succeed, but truly thrive.
Learn how we can help your students.

New Webinar Opportunity on Wednesday, May 1 at 10:00 AM
Trauma-Informed Practice: How to Understand the 
Impacts of Trauma on Student Behaviour

Do you know how childhood trauma or attachment disruptions can affect the students in your school community? Often, problem behaviour can be linked to a history of childhood trauma, affecting a student's ability to have healthy social relationships, pay attention in school, or have any interest in planning for the future. This 60-minute session is led by Kristen Gionfriddo, MSW, RSW, Training Manager for the George Hull Centre Institute of Childhood Trauma and Attachment, on the impact of trauma on student behaviour, and offer strategies to guidance educators on how to best support students who may be dealing with childhood trauma. 

Trauma affects the development of children's brains and nervous systems. While it equips children to survive, it doesn't equip them to thrive in the classroom. A persistent lack of safety or sense of belonging changes our brains and nervous systems in ways that make it difficult to access relationships and the most education has to offer. A trauma-Informed approach is essential for supporting these students and can help us understand all children better. We hope you will consider joining us for this very important session. Register Here!


As a guidance educator, you are at the centre of your school. Sometimes behaviour you see can be concerning and can be linked to childhood trauma or attachment disruptions. This can look like a student who can’t pay attention in school, has no interest in planning for the future, or shows concerning sexual behaviour.

The Institute of Childhood Trauma and Attachment at the George Hull Centre for Children and Youth offers trauma-informed training to help child and youth-serving professionals. In May we are offering a workshop on sexual development that will help you understand what is developmentally appropriate, what to ask students and their families, and help you understand the influence of culture and media on "acceptable” behaviour. Find out more about Sexual Development 101 training. Or, find out more about the Institute of Childhood Trauma & Attachment.

Do you want to impact Ontario students’ educational experience? Are you a student in an Ontario school? Will you be in Grades 7–12 during the 2023–2024 school year?

If yes, please consider submitting an application to be a member of Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Student Engagement Committee!

Veux-tu avoir un impact sur l’expérience éducative des élèves de l’Ontario? Es-tu élève d’une école en Ontario? Seras-tu inscrite ou inscrit dans une classe de la 7e à la 12e année au cours de l’année scolaire 2023-2024?

Si oui, pense à soumettre ta candidature pour devenir membre du Comité d’engagement des élèves de l’Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation (OQRE).
St. Clair College
UNIC Medical School
Post Secondary Information

Ontario’s universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events this spring and fall, where students can speak directly with university and student representatives.

These events are free and anyone may attend. Please make a note of the following events and dates and consider posting them on your school website.

Virtual Information Sessions

  • May 22, 5-7 pm (ET)
  • September 25, 5-7 pm (ET)
  • November 21, 5-7 pm (ET)

Each virtual event gives students the opportunity to learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions.

New this spring: Ontario’s universities will host an Information Sessions virtual event geared towards Grade 11 students looking to explore their university options ahead of Grade 12. Encourage your students to sign up for this event now.

Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF)

  • October 5-6, 2024, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, daily – Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building

The OUF is one of the largest educational fairs in North America. This event allows students to gather information and chat one-on-one with representatives from Ontario’s universities.

Note: There are no university presentations at OUF 2024. If students are looking for a similar experience, we encourage them to attend the virtual Information Sessions.

Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs

  • Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario: September 16–20
  • Ottawa and Eastern Regions: September 23–27
  • Southwestern Ontario: October 7–11
  • Central Eastern Ontario: October 15–18 

Individual event dates and locations are TBD.

Ontario’s university representatives are coming to a city near you as they travel across the province for this year’s Regional Fairs. These events are fair style and offer an opportunity to speak directly with university representatives.  

Visit our website to find out more about these events.

Événements des universités de l’Ontario – Retenez les dates!

Les universités de l’Ontario sont très heureuses de présenter une collection d’événements virtuels et sur place, au printemps et à l’automne, où les élèves peuvent échanger directement avec des représentantes et représentants des universités et des étudiantes et étudiants. 

Ces événements sont gratuits et tout le monde peut s’y joindre. Veuillez prendre note de ces événements et de leurs dates. Vous pourriez également les afficher dans le site Web de votre établissement.

Séances d’information virtuelles

  • 22 mai, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)
  • 25 septembre, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)
  • 21 novembre, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)

Chaque événement offre aux étudiantes et aux étudiants l’occasion d’apprendre davantage sur les universités qui les intéressent et poser des questions.

Nouveau ce printemps : Les universités de l’Ontario présenteront un événement virtuel des Séances d’information s’adressant aux élèves de 11e année qui souhaitent explorer leurs options d’études universitaires avant d’entamer leur 12e année. Prière d’encourager vos élèves à s’inscrire dès maintenant à cet événement.

Foire des universités de l’Ontario (FUO)

  • 5-6 octobre 2024, de 9 h 30 à 17 h, tous les jours
    Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain, Édifice Sud

La FUO est l’une des plus grandes foires éducationnelles de l’Amérique du Nord. Cet événement vous permettez de recueillir des renseignements et discuter en personne avec des représentantes et représentants des universités de l’Ontario.

Nota : La FUO de 2024 ne comprend pas de présentations universitaires. Pour vivre une expérience comparable, nous encourageons aux élèves à prendre part aux Séances d’information virtuelles.

Foires régionales des universités de l’Ontario

  • Nord-Est et Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario : 16-20 septembre 16 – 20 septembre
  • Régions d’Ottawa et de l’Est : 23 – 27 septembre
  • Sud-Ouest de l’Ontario : 7 – 11 octobre
  • Centre-Est de l’Ontario : 15 – 18 octobre

Dates et lieux pour chaque événement à déterminer.

Les représentantes et représentants des universités de l’Ontario arrivent dans une ville près de chez vous lorsqu’elles et ils se déplacent à la grandeur de la province pour les Foires régionales. Ces événements – de type « foire » – vous fournissent l’occasion de parler directement avec des représentantes et représentants des universités.

Nota : Le Programme d’information sur les études postsecondaires pour Autochtones (PIEPA) prendra part à la FUO et aux Séances d’information virtuelles; il permet aux élèves de nouer des liens avec des recruteuses et recruteurs autochtones et découvrir les opportunités qui s’offrent à elles et à eux.

Prière de consulter notre site Web pour en savoir davantage au sujet de ces événements.

Friday, May 10, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Join us on campus to learn about what's new and exciting at TMU! Attendees will have the chance to connect with other education professionals and engage in meaningful networking opportunities during a catered lunch. Don't miss this chance to deepen your understanding of resources available to our student community.

Join us for updates from our admissions team, as well as a discussion about what’s new at Waterloo and how you and your students can connect with us. Plus, participate in an optional tour of our Architecture campus.  

Wednesday, May 1

9-11:30 a.m.

Waterloo Architecture campus, Cambridge

For details and to register, visit uwaterloo.ca/future-students/counsellors/breakfast.

Are you a young adult who is feeling uncertain or indecisive about your next steps after high school? Are you interested in taking a purposeful gap year to develop new skills, gain work experience, travel, and learn more about yourself and your passions?

If you fit this description (or if you know someone who does!), we would love to meet you at our upcoming Spring Open House!

The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation and Cullen Family Scholarship program has over $60,000 in funding available to Ontario landscape and horticulture students. Apply or nominate a student before the June 30 deadline.
Learn More...




Northern Region

Northern College - Timmins
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Eastern Region

Loyalist College - Belleville
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Western Region

Niagara College - Niagara on the Lake Campus
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Central Region

Humber College - North Campus (BCTI Building)
Thursday, May 2, 2024
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/central-region-dialogue- humber-tickets-807176696227

OCAS Landing Page for Ontario College Dialogues https://www.ocas.ca/resources/college-dialogues

School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) recognizes that this is a busy time of year in schools as many students are preparing to transition to highschool or postsecondary programs. Times of change can be stressful for some students and we appreciate the important role that guidance-teacher counsellors can play in supporting students with the skills and knowledge to manage and thrive!
Santé mentale en milieu scolaire Ontario (SMS-ON) reconnaît que cette période de l’année est chargée pour les écoles, compte tenu des nombreux élèves qui se préparent à transitionner vers l'école secondaire ou encore, à des programmes d'études postsecondaires. Les périodes de changement peuvent être stressantes pour certains élèves et nous apprécions le rôle important que les enseignants conseillers et enseignantes conseillères en orientation peuvent jouer en aidant les élèves avec l’acuisition des compétences et des connaissances nécessaires pour gérer la situation et réussir !

The report "Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent: Mapping Canada’s Career Development Sector" shares the groundbreaking results of a CERIC-funded project to investigate the full scope of the people and systems providing career services and supports to Canadians. Produced by Challenge Factory in partnership with the Canadian Career Development Foundation, the study identifies who does career development work in Canada and where.

Nearly a year after graduating from Carleton University with a degree in engineering physics, Surya Nareshan is still struggling to find employment.

Nareshan, who lives in Ottawa, has applied for dozens of positions since May — mostly in software engineering and optics. While he's made it through multiple rounds of interviews, including elaborate proficiency testing, he hasn't yet found a permanent job.

"I've applied to 80-plus jobs at this point, and often you don't even hear back," the 24-year-old told CBC News.

With the latest numbers showing that unemployment is up among youth, a sizeable share of the increase in Canada's overall unemployment rate since April last year is due to new job seekers — young people and recent graduates like Nareshan — who are spending more time looking for work, according to an analysis by RBC Economics.

We are pleased to share that we are collaborating with Skills Ontario this year to bring a Trades Conference for Guidance Educators in support of Experiential Professional Learning in the Skilled Trades for Guidance Counsellors to the 2024 Skills Ontario Competition event. Last year, over 450 guidance educators attended and learned about the skilled trades and this year we have the capacity for double that number!

Just a reminder that a total of $3M in funding has been provided to all school boards for guidance teacher-counsellors to participate in experiences to learn about the skilled trades so that they may become more confident in their understanding of the trades and the apprenticeship pathway.  This funding can be used to support conference registration and transportation for counsellors. Please share this information and attachments with guidance staff.

What: Skills Ontario Trades Conference for Guidance Educators

When: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Where: Toronto Congress Centre

Cost: $250

Registration Link: Skills Ontario: Skilled Trades Conference for Guidance Educators - Skills Ontario

Much of Canada’s career development field is not visible or known to Canadians and policymakers. Without a comprehensive evidence base that identifies who does the important work of career development across the country, several challenges will continue to hinder the advancement of the field. In light of this, CERIC funded Challenge Factory to undertake a research project to identify the size and membership of Canada’s career development sector. In a first-of-its-kind evidence base, the report Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent: Mapping Canada’s Career Development Sector reveals the full scope of the people and systems providing career services to Canadians. In this informative webinar, Challenge Factory will share key findings from the project and provide an update on the response the work has received since its launch.
In the ever-evolving landscape of career education, a powerful yet often underutilized tool is the strategic incorporation of rubrics. Traditionally seen as assessment tools for instructors, rubrics can also serve as effective guides for learners before an assignment or event. By focusing on the key components of job search skills, rubrics become valuable instruments in preparing students and alumni for the competitive job market. This high-impact approach creates authentic assessment and experiential learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom.

In 2022, I developed a Resume Review Checklist and Rubric for a rapid resume review event. This versatile tool has evolved to serve multiple purposes in career education, aiding students and alumni in evaluating the core elements of an entry-level professional resume and identifying areas for improvement.



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