Featured Highlights

Spring session: April 8 to June 7, 2024

OSCA-ACOSO is pleased to announce that they will continue to offer Part 1, Part 2 and the Specialist in Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualifications courses this spring. Additional sessions will take place in the winter, spring and summer. Advantages of taking the course with OSCA are the instructor is a current guidance counsellor, a one year OSCA subscription is included ($55 value if currently not active) and a downloaded copy of Ethical Guidelines ($25) is included. As part of the OSCA subscription, you have the opportunity to attend the fall conference at a member rate, gain access to webinars throughout the year on topics related to guidance and career education, receive the weekly OSCA News to keep up to date with guidance/career topics, and receive the tri-annual OSCA Today, the professional magazine of the association.

Cost: $675 plus HST.

To register: www.osca.ca --> Next AQ course

Registration closes: March 28, 2024 at 12:00 PM. Please register early to reserve your seat!


Hello OSCA Members,

Happy almost March break! I am so excited to be sharing my biography for OSCA News. It has been a pleasure serving the Board of Directors for nearly two years. I Initially started in professional development and what a remarkable experience that was! I learned so much and I am very excited to now be working with the Communication Committee, to share informative articles that will enrich your professional practice. 

I had reservations about joining OSCA because I was new to the role of guidance and wondered how I could contribute to this membership in a meaningful way. The "unknown” can be very intimidating for me and for many in our profession, but I knew this was not a good enough reason to not apply. As guidance counsellors, we consistently encourage our students to embrace challenges and believe in their potential, acknowledging that growth often stems from stepping outside one's comfort zone. It dawned on me that I needed to heed this advice myself. I am glad I took on the challenge because I have learned so much about the role and about myself. I am fortunate to be working with wonderful, supportive colleagues at my schools and on the OSCA Board. I encourage you to seek out challenges rather than worry about the fear of failure. Focus on the opportunity for growth, developing your skills, and meeting people who can enrich your life experiences. 

With nearly 25 years of service with the Toronto Catholic District School Board, I have experience spanning in all grades, even Kindergarten! I embarked on my professional journey as an intermediate teacher in the east end of Toronto. Fast forward a few years and I moved to the west end for many years. As fate would have it, I started my new role as a Guidance Teacher Counsellor three years ago, back in the east end of Toronto, coming full circle. 

My passion in this role lies in fostering equity, diversity, and mental health awareness among students. Instilling values of compassion, empathy, and providing coping strategies for emotional well-being is also very important to me. Outside of school I find solace in traveling, having heartfelt conversations over coffee, indulging in literature, nurturing my yoga practice and working on my side business in health and wellness. 

Wishing you all the best endeavours this year!

Pina De Luca, Communications Committee


Bonjour chers membres de l’OSCA/ACOSO,

Le congé de mars approche à grands pas ! Je suis tellement contente de partager avec vous ma biographie pour OSCA News. Ce fut un plaisir de servir le conseil d’administration pendant près de deux ans. J’ai d’abord commencé au sein du comité de perfectionnement professionnel et ce fut une expérience remarquable ! J’ai tellement appris et j’ai très hâte de maintenant faire partie du comité des communications afin de partager des articles informatifs qui enrichiront votre pratique professionnelle. 

J’avais des réserves quant à l’idée de rejoindre l’OSCA/ACOSO parce que j’étais nouvelle dans mon rôle en orientation et je n’étais pas certaine de pouvoir apporter une contribution significative aux membres. La peur de l’inconnu peut nous intimider tous, mais ce n’était pas une raison suffisante pour ne pas postuler. En tant que conseillers en orientation, nous encourageons constamment nos élèves à relever les défis et à croire en leur potentiel. Nous leur rappelons que l’idée de sortir de leur zone de confort mène souvent à l’épanouissement personnel. Je me suis rendu compte que je devais moi-même suivre ce conseil. Je suis fière d’avoir relevé le défi parce que j’ai beaucoup appris sur ce rôle et sur moi-même. J’ai de la chance de travailler avec des collègues formidables et solidaires dans mes écoles et au sein du conseil d’administration de l’OSCA/ACOSO. Je vous encourage à rechercher de nouveaux défis à relever plutôt que de craindre l’échec. Concentrez-vous sur les possibilités de croissance, le développement de vos compétences et l’occasion de rencontrer des personnes qui peuvent enrichir vos expériences personnelles.

Avec près de 25 ans d’expérience au sein du Toronto Catholic District School Board (Conseil scolaire catholique du district de Toronto), j’ai de l’expérience dans toutes les années, même en maternelle ! J’ai entrepris mon parcours professionnel en tant qu’enseignante au niveau intermédiaire dans l’est de Toronto. Quelques années plus tard, j’ai déménagé dans l’ouest de la ville pendant de nombreuses années. Comme le sort l’a voulu, j’ai débuté mon nouveau rôle d’enseignante-conseillère en orientation de retour à mon point de départ, dans l’est de Toronto !

Comme enseignante-conseillère en orientation, ma passion consiste à favoriser l’équité, la diversité et la sensibilisation à la santé mentale chez les élèves. Il est également très important pour moi d’inculquer la compassion ainsi que l’empathie et de fournir des stratégies d’adaptation pour le bien-être émotionnel. En dehors de l’école, je me régale du voyage et des conversations sincères autour d’un café. J’aime aussi me plonger dans la littérature, pratiquer le yoga et entretenir mon petit commerce en santé et bien-être.

Je vous souhaite une année riche en succès !

Pina De Luca, comité des communications. 

Now is the time to nominate a deserving colleague for an OSCA award. Perhaps it is that person who has created a great resource that has allowed students to create their own pathway? Maybe you know a guidance counsellor who is the go-to person at your school? Perhaps a deserving community partner that provides excellent support for your school?

You have until September 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM to nominate someone, but why not do it now?

Chacun et chacune de nous connaît un collègue innovateur, qui accomplit avec enthousiasme son travail auprès des élèves de son école. Pourquoi ne pas reconnaître leur contribution à notre profession en posant leur candidature à l'un des prix de l'ACOSO? Pour poser la candidature de quelqu'un, appuyez sur le lien de la mise en candidature. Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être soumises en ligne d'ici le 26 septembre 2024 à 4h.


The Howard R. Beattie Award for Contribution to Counsellor Professional Development | Le prix Howard R. Beattie pour la contribution au perfectionnement professionnel des conseillers

This award is presented to a guidance counsellor who has created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and the organization of a conference or guidance professional development activities.  

Présenté à un conseiller qui a créé des idées utiles et des nouvelles techniques pour un usage professionnel et les a communiquées à travers des ateliers, du leadership local et l’organisation de conférences ou d’activités de développement professionnel en orientation.   

The Student Awards Nominations are here! Please nominate a deserving student today within the five Post Graduate Pathways:

  • Apprenticeship,
  • College,
  • Community Living,
  • University,
  • Workplace. 

Details can be found on the nomination form

The link is live on the OSCA website and you can access the nomination form through it. The nominations will close on May 6, 2024, so nominate a student today!

Les candidatures aux prix étudiants sont maintenant ouvertes ! Veuillez nommer dès aujourd'hui un élève méritant qui entreprend l'un des cinq parcours postsecondaires suivants :

  • Apprentissage,
  • Collège,
  • Intégration communautaire,
  • Université,
  • Monde du travail. 

Vous pouvez trouver les détails dans le formulaire de candidature

Le lien est disponible à partir du site web de l'OSCA/ACOSO et vous pouvez accéder au formulaire de candidature via celui-ci. Les candidatures se clôtureront le 6 mai 2024, alors nommez un élève dès aujourd'hui !

Your Students Belong Here
Centennial College®
Over the past 55 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution. We have established a unique position in the marketplace locally and around the world – work we are confident has led to our #1 ranking in the Greater Toronto Area for graduate satisfaction. Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of services and supports to ensure students will not only succeed, but truly thrive.
Learn how we can help your students.

Tuesday, March 19 at 10 AM

New Webinar Opportunity
Beyond the Mind: Integrating Holistic Approaches to
Mental Health in School Counselling

In this webinar, we welcome the team from All About Mental Empowerment, a mental health campaign dedicated to educating young people on how to build the resiliency necessary to achieve their goals and dreams. Co-founder Dr. Bisleen Attli is a certified naturopathic doctor with a private practice focusing on holistic mental healthcare, is a TEDx speaker, and holds a certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Partner and co-founder, Tara Rawana, is a certified nutritionist and yoga instructor, a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is also certified in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 

Dr. Bisleen and Tara will be sharing research that centres on a holistic model of mental health, focusing on the relationship between mental health and nutrition, sleep and movement. The information and resources shared will assist Guidance Teacher-Counsellors in sharing what they learn in an age-appropriate manner with the student populations they serve, and will provide strategies to help counsellors troubleshoot the implementation of these holistic aspects of mental health. Register Here!

St. Clair College
UNIC Medical School
Post Secondary Information

We are pleased to invite you to a free virtual Guidance Dialogue on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 9:30 to 11:30 am.

You will be able to submit questions before the event and we will answer the most common questions following the university updates.

More details will follow in early April.

Registration is required and will be available in early April. Please be advised that this event is for guidance counsellors only.

Visit Guidance for more information and to register (once available).

Please send all event inquiries to: onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

Nota : L’événement se tiendra principalement en anglais seulement.

Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues, le mardi 16 avril 2024, de 9 h 30 à 11 h 30.

Vous aurez l’occasion de soumettre des questions avant la tenue de l’événement. Nous répondrons aux questions les plus courantes à la suite des mises à jour des universités.

De plus amples renseignements seront fournis au début avril.

L’inscription est exigée et sera disponible à compter du début avril. À noter que cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation.

Consultez Orientation pour de plus amples renseignements et pour vous inscrire (une fois disponible)

Prière d’envoyer vos questions à l’adresse : onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

Northern Region

Northern College – Timmins
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ northern-region-dialogues- northern-college-registration- 836016526937?aff=oddtdtcreator

Eastern Region

Loyalist College - Belleville
Thursday, April 25, 2024
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ eastern-region-college- dialogues-2024-tickets- 827265843407?aff=oddtdtcreator

Western Region

Niagara College – Niagara on the Lake Campus
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ western-region-college- dialogues-niagara-college- registration-815548867617?aff= oddtdtcreator

Central Region

Humber College – North Campus (BCTI Building)
Thursday, May 2, 2024
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ central-region-dialogue- humber-tickets-807176696227

OCAS Landing Page for Ontario College Dialogues https://www.ocas.ca/resources/ college-dialogues

Let your students and their supporters know about our March Break Tours event!

Here is what to expect on a guided tour during the week of March 11:

✓ VIP access to campus, residence, and a tour guide
✓ Snacks and refreshments
✓ $50 gas card for out-of-town guests
✓ Prizes!

Visit our Events page to register and save your spot.
Don’t worry if you missed the equal consideration date (ECD) deadline. There are still so many programs available for you to start this September.

There are many programs that remain open after ECD, as well as programs that start at different times of the year. Use our ‘Find a Program’ tool to see open programs and access information on when to apply. Dive into your interests and start something new this fall!
Do you have students looking for ways to earn their volunteer hours? ER Teens, a volunteer program for youth aged 13-17, gives teens the opportunity to design an environmental stewardship project in their community with support from an Earth Rangers mentor.

Projects range from battery recycling, to pollinator gardens, to awareness campaigns! Lana, 16, from Ontario, hosted a Clothing Swap in her community and had this to say.
Do you have students looking for ways to earn their volunteer hours? ER Teens, a volunteer program for youth aged 13-17, gives teens the opportunity to design an environmental stewardship project in their community with support from an Earth Rangers mentor.

Projects range from battery recycling, to pollinator gardens, to awareness campaigns! Lana, 16, from Ontario, hosted a Clothing Swap in her community and had this to say.
Individuals who have experienced mental disorders face significant career barriers that are not related to their capabilities nor their desire to participate in the workforce. Their unique skills and strengths often go unrecognized. This creates a situation where a population with immense potential and valuable perspective is often overlooked or deemed unemployable. By neglecting to tap into their talents, employers not only perpetuate a cycle of stigma and discrimination but also miss out on the opportunity to benefit from their diverse contributions. Through recognizing and drawing out strengths, career counsellors can play a vital role in transforming the narrative surrounding these individuals and can help foster a more inclusive and equitable employment environment. It is essential to address the dual challenge of reducing employment barriers while highlighting the invaluable qualities and qualifications that make this population uniquely qualified for various careers. This article discusses key career barriers faced by individuals who have experienced a mental disorder and their unique career strengths.