Discover Year January Info. Session - January 13 2022, 7:00-9:00 PM

Join us online Thursday, January 13th, from 7-9 PM EST!

"I couldn't be more grateful for doing Discover Year. I learned so much throughout the year, especially about myself. There was so much reflection time. I have come to realize that life is an experience and I want to live it to the fullest. It's not ‘point A to point B’. Life is side to side and upside down."

-Reid, 2020-2021 Discoverite

Are you interested in building self-awareness, confidence, communication skills, and resilience next year?

During our info session, you will:

? Hear from some of our students, graduates, and their parents.
? Learn about the structure of our purposeful gap year program.
? Relate to others who understand what you're feeling!

7:00-7:15PM: Meet Discover Year students and staff.
7:15-9:00PM: Information session and Q&A discussion with students, graduates, and parents.

Register here!