OSCA/ACOSO Subscription Renewal Time!


Attention all OSCA/ACOSO Subscribers! All 2018-2019 subscriptions will be expiring on September 30th! Stay connected to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario by renewing today! Continue to receive the OSCA News delivered to your mailbox once a week, receive the OSCA Today magazine three times a year, receive yearly conference discounts, and your own copy of Ethical Guidelines available through the website subscribers lounge.

In addition, the OSCA Board has been working very hard to partner with organizations that would be able to provide further professional learning to meet the needs from the "2018 Role of the Guidance Teacher Counsellor' survey. These new professional learning opportunities will be announced shortly.



In the meanwhile, please plan to attend this year's conference entitled, "Constructing a Bright Future: Avenues for Career and Personal Decision Making," with sub themes: "Mental Health and Well-Being," and "Modern Pathways." This year's conference was planned around the two top professional learning needs as identified in the 2018 survey by OSCA/ACOSO subscribers. The two top needs were 1. training on skills connected to mental health and well-being and 2. learning about jobs of the future and future workplace trends. The Board of Directors is excited about the theme, the keynotes, the workshop topics and the new location. We wish to see all OSCA subscribers at this year's conference, which is earlier this year - October 17th and October 18th at University Toronto Mississauga (UTM). Early discounted rates are available to those that have renewed their subscriptions for 2019-2020.

If you are an individual wishing to renew or start a subscription, please go to: https://www.osca.ca/about-us/membership/how-to-renew-single-or-bulk.html for more information.

If you are a board lead and wish to purchase a board bulk subscriptions, please email the OSCA office at
oscadesk@gmail.com so we can assist you. RENEW today!