Latest News from the AOA

Latest News from the AOA

Award Submissions Now Open
The American Optometric Association Excellence, AOSA Student of the Year, Paraoptometric and National Optometry Hall of Fame Awards are now open for submissions. Submit an award nomination for a colleague or peer who embodies passion for the vision community and works to further the profession. 

To view the criteria and nomination forms for all awards, click here. Applications are due Monday, Feb. 19! Award recipients will be honored throughout Optometry’s Meeting® in Nashville, Tennessee on June 19-22, 2024.

New this year, the AOA annual awards, including Optometric Educator, Optometrist of the Year, Young Optometrist of the Year, Distinguished Service, and Apollo, are now referred to as the AOA Excellence Awards.

Optometry’s Meeting® – June 19-22
The American Optometric Association and the American Optometric Student Association will host Optometry’s Meeting 2024 in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 19-22.

As the profession’s premier annual event, Optometry’s Meeting aligns optometric and industry professionals for four days of progressive continuing education and professional development alongside impactful networking opportunities. With a robust lineup of events, interactive education, and networking opportunities, the AOA encourages faculty and student participation.

To learn more and register for Optometry’s Meeting, click here.

AOA on Capitol Hill
AOA on Capitol Hill is the American Optometric Association's single-largest annual advocacy event that directly connects the profession’s leaders with our nation's policymakers and offers sessions intended to prepare attendees to increasingly join the ongoing advocacy fight for optometry’s future. Additionally, attendees may have the opportunity, in close coordination with their state associations, to participate in meetings with their federal legislators. Given this invaluable opportunity to not only get involved in our profession’s advocacy but also develop future generations of optometric leaders, the AOA encourages faculty and student participation.

AOA on Capitol Hill will take place on April 14-16, 2024. Participation is open to all advocacy-minded AOA members—registration is required and available through March 15, 2024. To learn more about AOA on Capitol Hill, click here.