An Audacious Goal to Cure Blindness with Retinal Cell Transplants

An Audacious Goal to Cure Blindness with Retinal Cell Transplants

Dr. Teresa Puthussery's work in the area of retinal cell transplants was featured in the Fall 2022 edition of the Berkeley Optometry Magazine.

Dr. Puthussery, who studies the neural circuits of the retina and how they are altered by diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, is part of a multidisciplinary team recently awarded $3.7 million annually for five years. With Juliette McGregor, PhD, University of Rochester, and David Gamm, MD, PhD, University of Madison-Wisconsin, Dr. Puthussery is developing models that can gauge the survival and functional integration of transplanted light-sensing photoreceptors — the rods and cone — and retinal ganglion cells, which carry visual signals from the retina to the brain.

Read the article on the Berkeley Optometry website here.

Read the full 2022 edition of the Berkeley Optometry magazine here.