PCO/Salus Student Accepted into the ‘Visioning the Future’ Program

PCO/Salus Student Accepted into the ‘Visioning the Future’ Program

Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Salus University student Makayla Cain, PBHS ‘21, ‘26OD, has been busy after completing the University’s Post-baccalaureate in Health Sciences and Summer Enrichment programs.

Cain entered PCO/Salus this fall more prepared than ever, as all of her hard work culminated in pursuing her dream profession of optometry and a new exciting opportunity with the National Optometric Association (NOA).

She was recently accepted into the NOA’s Visioning the Future program, which identifies African American students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to facilitate their professional development and career advancement in optometry. 

The program has given her a mentor within the optometry profession who has helped her navigate potential career options upon her graduation from PCO/Salus in 2026.

Full story at Salus.edu/MakaylaCain