Taking On Sjögren’s

Taking On Sjögren’s

A multidisciplinary team of doctors at UC Berkeley's Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science have initiated an innovative approach to treating a complicated and elusive disease.

Sjögren’s is an autoimmune disorder which, among other things, wreaks havoc on the body’s ability to generate moisture. This is why many patients’ first experience of the disease is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or dry eye. People often fight the disease unsuccessfully by themselves for years, changing contact lens solutions or using over-the-counter eye drops.

Fortunately, patients suffering from the constellation of symptoms that make up Sjögren’s Syndrome have an ally in Dr. Nancy McNamara and her colleagues in the Sjögren’s Clinic.

Link to full article: https://optometry.berkeley.edu/taking-on-sjogrens/