Dr. Fiza Tariq Joins PCO/Salus Faculty

Dr. Fiza Tariq Joins PCO/Salus Faculty

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Salus University welcomes Fiza Tariq, OD '20, Resident '21, as an instructor and optometrist in The Eye Institute’s (TEI) pediatric services.

Dr. Tariq graduated from the University of Waterloo, Ontario with a bachelor’s degree in public health. She then continued on to receive her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Accelerated Scholars Program at PCO/Salus where she also completed a residency in Pediatrics, Binocular Vision and Vision Therapy.

In her role as a clinical instructor, she will be precepting third-and fourth-year students while providing quality care to children and their families at TEI.