Johnson & Johnson Vision News

Johnson & Johnson Vision News

Managing Myopia: A Clinical Response to the Growing Epidemic

Recommendations call for earlier intervention to help slow the progression of myopia in children based on clinical literature and real-world experience

Myopia remains top of mind as it is poses the biggest eye health threat of the 21st Century. Myopia in all children should be addressed, but when myopia onset occurs in those less than 12 years of age, it carries a significantly increased risk of developing high myopia later in life. In collaboration with leading organizations in optometry, including the American Optometric Association, American Academy of Optometry, Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry and Singapore Optometric Association, Johnson & Johnson Vision has worked to provide a guide with recommendations for eye care professionals to assess, monitor and treat myopia in children. The guide, titled Managing Myopia: A Clinical Response to the Growing Epidemic, marks an important milestone to address this growing eye health threat.

Managing Myopia: A Clinical Response to the Growing Epidemic adds to the collective awareness, research and understanding of myopia and provides a research-based rationale for how and why we need to prioritize the eye health of children. The guide is available to download here.