October 2021 Virtual IPEC Institute

October 2021 Virtual IPEC Institute

​IPECP IDEAS: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Advocacy Stories
Virtual - October 12, 14, 19 and 21

IPEC will hold its next Institute virtually on October 12, 14, 19 and 21, 2021. The October 2021 IPEC Institute is an advanced "201-level" program for those trying to sustain or strengthen their interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) programs while increasing faculty readiness and student preparation around inclusion, diversity, health equity and advocacy.

The interactive Institute program is designed for interprofessional teams but individual participants have attended successfully, if they have the proper background and preparation to develop an appropriate project.

Target Audience

Team Composition (If Applicable)

Please note that it is not necessary to register as a team. Individual participants will also be accepted into the program. The following roles for members of interprofessional teams are highly encouraged, but not required:

*If your institution is associated with a healthcare service facility such as a VA, local community health center, or affiliated medical center, or a partner organization, such as a local health department or community-based agency, please strongly consider adding a representative from that facility to your team.


The Institute will consist of:

A detailed conference agenda is pending.

The synchronous schedule will use the theory burst approach that builds learning to allow participants to depart with progress towards achieving their desired project.


The core content of the program will be delivered by nationally-recognized subject matter experts who will offer pre-recorded video modules for viewing asychronously in advance of the institute, followed by live, synchronous learning sessions to engage directly with the participants. The asynchronous sessions will be available to you about three weeks before the live sessions. You will have both asynchronous and synchronous opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing about exemplar experiences and products, as well other cohort collaboration provide for networking and professional growth.

Registration is now open. Click here to register.