Focus on Eye Health National Summit - Register Today!

Focus on Eye Health National Summit - Register Today!

On July 14-15, 2021, Prevent Blindness will host the 10th annual Focus on Eye Health National Summit as a virtual interactive event. (Due to the current COVID-19 health crisis, the 2021 event will be held as an online event only.) This FREE event will include multiple opportunities for participant engagement, including moderated discussions on key topics, chats with presenters, an exhibit hall with live exhibitor chat and video conversation, and more.

The Focus on Eye Health National Summit is a key venue to elevate the national dialogue among diverse stakeholder groups around vision and significant population health issues such as surveillance, equity, prevention messaging, service integration, program development and dissemination of best practices. The Summit allows participants to develop new collaborations, integrate new vision health messages and procedures into their outreach, and improve lines of communication with internal and external partners.

An exciting Summit agenda has been planned for the two-day event and will include a variety of presentations related to this year’s theme, "Our Changing Vision.” The agenda will celebrate the key vision advancements that have occurred during the 10 years the summit has convened, and look ahead to leading advancements, policies and social issues that will shape how we approach eye health for the coming decade. The agenda will recognize the importance of research expansion, shifting political leadership and the elevation of the patient at the center of care decisions. 

The agenda includes the following keynote presentations:

Opening Keynote Presentation:
Michael F. Chiang, MD, Director, National Eye Institute

Keynote Presentation: Adversity is My Superpower
Amy Dixon, Paralympic Athlete & President, Glaucoma Eyes International

Keynote Presentation: The Role of Public Health in Advancing Eye Health
Ross C. Brownson, PhD, Lipstein Distinguished Professor of Public Health, Washington University in St. Louis

For details about the event and agenda, visit

The Focus on Eye Health National Summit welcomes a diverse range of participants, including patient advocates, vision researchers, clinicians, foundations, community-based and advocacy organizations, national vision and eye health organizations, vision companies, government agencies, legislative staff, and more. 

Follow the event on Twitter at #eyesummit.

Registration is free. Register today to attend the virtual event:

Thanks to our 2021 Focus on Eye Health National Summit Sponsors:

Horizon Therapeutics

Center for Vision and Population Health at Prevent Blindness
The EyeSight Foundation of Alabama
National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness
Seva Foundation

Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (AEVR)
American Optometric Association
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
American Society of Retina Specialists
BrightFocus Foundation
Foundation Fighting Blindness
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
National Industries for the Blind
National Keratoconus Foundation
PAN Foundation
Research to Prevent Blindness
Vision 2020 USA

Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Contact Prevent Blindness at for more information.